Um Hai New Obsession! Catherine Hardwicke's New Film Trailer & Interview - Red Riding Hood!

The trailer for Twilight director, Catherine Hardwicke's new movie Red Riding Hood came out today *bounce* as well as this interview where she talks about the transition from Twilight *cough*eventhoughShilohwasupfortherollofEdward*cough*:

RK: After making “Twilight,” where fans felt such ownership over the story, is this a film in which you can create your own visual world?

CH: I think so. There’s so many versions of Red Riding Hood. It goes back 700 years. It’s much more open to interpretation. At the end of the fairy tale she’s saved by a woodcutter. That’s one of the reasons why we have the houses all out of heavy construction. We stayed true to the oldest telling of the stories in a lot of ways. There’s a great book called [Bruno Bettelheim's] “The Uses of Enchantment,” delving into the meaning and philosophy of fairy tales and why these stories have endured and gotten under our skin. That was very inspiring to me.

RK: Who are the men competing for Red Riding Hood’s affections?

CH: One of them is Peter, played by Shiloh Fernandez. She feels he is her soul mate, but he’s had more of a troubled past. They love each other but that’s not the way her mother wants Amanda’s life to go. She wants her daughter to have a better life and arranges a
marriage with Henry, who’s played by Max Irons, the son of Jeremy Irons. He’s a very striking-looking kid, as is Shiloh, who’s very soulful. Shiloh was my runner-up for Edward in “Twilight” but he and Kristen [Stewart] didn’t have the instant chemistry lock that is now well-known.
Read the full interview with Catherine at The Hero Complex and watch the trailer here:

Aaand I just got tingles! I love its look - takes me back to the good ol' Twilight days *tear* memories!

- Lorabell