Jackson Covers Zooey Magazine - First Look... with yummy pics & interview

I can not get enough of this boy lately and so am glad to see Jackson stepping up the promo and doing yummy shoots.

This one, covering November's Zooey Magazine, features an interview with everyone's most soothing vampire, who certainly has his talented hands full:

“I’m excited, but also sad because we’re nearing the end,” the 25-year-old star, who plays hunky vamp Jasper Hale, says in the upcoming issue of Zooey magazine.

“It’s been an incredible experience working with such a fine cast and crew over the years, and it’s going to be hard to say goodbye.”Jackson will have extra time during the shoot in Baton Rouge, Louis. because his character is MIA for much of Breaking Dawn, but he’s already packed his schedule with extracurriculars.

“I’ll be working with my band 100 Monkeys and playing shows around the South as well as setting up other productions for the future of my new company PatchMo Entertainment,” he says of his upcoming plans. “Also, I’m setting up a record label.

”A laid back muti-talented performer, Jackson says he’s still wrapping his head around being a mega star.

“Now there are pictures of me as a blonde vampire on T-shirts and pillowcases…that took a little getting used to,” he admits.

Read the rest in this month's Zooey Magazine :)

- Lorabell