Breaking Dawn Wedding Was Nearly Filmed for Eclipse?!

Say it ain't so Melissa Rosenburg!

According to Next Movie, Eclipse director, David Slade nearly shot the Breaking Dawn wedding scene for the third installment of the saga O_o

“We discussed a lot of the things at the script-writing stage — at one point, we were even going to shoot the wedding at the end of ["Eclipse"] but we knew there was another film coming,” Slade tells NextMovie exclusively.“We knew that a lot of that could go into the next film. And we just made the most concise version of this story that we could.”

I see what they might have been going for but I'm glad they didn't rearrange the series - me thinks Stephenie Meyer stepped in ;)

And, even though it's like 6846720462842692872970264 days away, I'm kinda enjoying the wait for Edward and Bella's big day :D

- Lorabell

New HQ Eclipse DVD Gallery Stills - Click & Swoon :)

Clicky for HQ

Oh yeah, that smile will get ya every time ;)

- Lorabell

Rob Spotted in LA Shopping for New Guitar

Rob spent his Thanksgiving weekend in LA at Norman's Rare Guitars - according to the stores Twitter he bought a new Fender Stratocaster - approved!

Now for some open-mic night appearances please, Rob? K! Thanks :)

- Lorabell

New Video - Eclipse DVD Behind The Scenes, Making of with David Slade

A sneak peek look behind the scenes of the Eclipse DVD extras with director, David Slade.

I can't get enough of this "making of" stuff - the commentaries are going to be amaze but I just love all the details that go into making such a production :)

Via TwiFans

- Lorabell

DVR Alert - Kellan Lutz (& his dimples) on Jay Leno tomorrow

Kellan will be appearing on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno tomorrow, November 30th to promote his new film Meskada and generally be all cute n stuff :)

Set your DVR for NBC at 11.35pm!

Via the film's official Twitter @Meskada

- Lorabell

Oooh, Eclipse DVD Commentary Sneak Peek with Stephenie Meyer & Wyck Godfrey!


LOVING this (found over at TwiFans) first of all the pic is just too much win, second all the making of Eclipse commentary with Stephenie and Wyck is chock-a-block full of interesting deets!

Aaand GO:

Stephenie Meyer/ Wyck Godfrey Producer Commentary

OK I know many expected this to be pretty boring, but these 2 are actually funny and interesting, though not as entertaining as Rob/Kristen. They
did it before the premiere, so they wonder at the audience’s reaction to
certain scenes. If you can’t be bothered watching it yourselves, here
are the best parts:

• Supposedly a drunk friend was recording Xavier in his video audition he sent in.

• The title art was initially different. SM: It was boring.

• They chat about Bella having a voiceover at the start of every movie.
Wyck suggests Kristen’s voiceover for BD will simply be “I’m pregnant”.

• SM describes the wig being a “diva”. i.e. requiring attention

• They joke about how Charlie is always drinking beer describing him as
being the most alcoholic cop in movie history. SM describes him as the
unsung hero of the Twilight series. Everyone loves Charlie. Then Wyck
says he’s a “sung hero”. People have actually written songs about him so
lookout on the next soundtrack.

• SM: Kristen’s skin is beautiful. (I whole heartedly agree SM!)

• They talk about fighting over the music. SM wanted Florence and the Machine song in the Beck and Bat for Lashes scene.

• SM likes Jasper’s hair despite it changing every movie. She thinks they finally got it right.

• They love Sarah Clarke. SM concludes Charlie and Renee are getting married again.

• In the Bella riding off on Jacob’s motorbike scene they laugh about the windshield wipers on Edward’s car stopping right in front of Rob’s face
all the time.

• Imprinting: They decided the Claire/Quil story will be held until BD

• They call the wolfpack nudists running around in “jorts”

• A few people on set replicated the “spider monkey” scene in the Cullen house soundstage.

• The tribal story scene was the worst scene to shoot besides the baseball scene in Twilight.

• Kristen as the 3rd wife made the test audience laugh-unintentionally funny so they cut it.

• SM talking about the books of the Twilight Saga: “Chris really gets the rough end of the stick. He got the weird one” LOL

• Like me, SM also loves the sound of Bella’s hand crunching Jake’s face.

• All the producers practiced the Jacob/Bella kiss.

• SM walked out of Wyck’s trailer upset after seeing Angryward scene. She
knew Jacob’s arm would be ripped off if Eddie ever tried to grab him by
the shoulder.

• SM/Wyck call Emmett and Rosalie jerks for not coming to the graduation of their siblings.

• Wyck wanted Jacob to come into the graduation party scene as wolves to make a more dramatic entrance, or wearing jorts.

• Like Rob, Wycke also jokes that Alice looks drunk walking down the stairs before the flashback.

• Wycke to SM: “ you’re a logic nazi!”

• SM: Talking about changing the style of the wolves between NM and
Eclipse: “It’s just like the hair. Next time the wolves will be

• Jacob wolf looking arthritic as he walks away from Bella-I totally thought that as well

• Wyck doing a Tenessee accent (its terribly funny)

• Like Rob, SM also commenting about Jasper’s “They’re verr come in the south”

• SM on the kid Jasper killed in the flashback: “That kid was nice, it
was sad when we had to kill him. We should have picked some child actor
who nobody liked”

• Talking about having a hot Rod party. SM : “the thing about wyck is, he lies a lot, and you can’t tell when he’s
lying or not.” Wyck: “Can we put Andy Samberg in BD?”

• SM has heard “imprint” and “battle” too many times, she no longer likes those words

• SM was there for the leg hitch scene (there may be hope for the BD sex scene to be hot?)

• SM: “Kristen’s really authentic and vulnerable. “ (thumbs up SM!)

• Kristen running down to talk to SM wondering if she could do anything else during the leg hitch scene.

• Proposal scene: Rob keeps the ring under the bed. The first time they forgot about giving him the ring.

• Leg hitch: They knew it was a fandom request

• Wyck talking about Bella trying to seduce Edward: “I thought she could
have had him.” SM: “If only she had you there to advice her wyck.”

• They were almost going to flashback to Edward courting Bella back in
the olden days in black/white. Would have been unintentionally funny.

• In proposal scene Rob stressed out a lot. In the end the scene looked effortless

• Scene where Riley/Victoria kiss. Wyck: “He bites her lip!” SM: “ooh yeh I think you would lose a bit of lip there.”

• Korts=khaki shorts, Wyck plans to make a new line. SM will make a swing dance commercial for them.

• Taylor dropped Kristen going up a hill when he had to carry her.

• They all bought parka’s for the mountain top scene. It was hot, they
didn’t need them. They send their thanks to producer Bill Bannerman

• First take of tent scene, Jacob kept his distance not touching her at all. They reshot as SM insisted he be holding her.

• Edward/Jacob bromance is mentioned a few times

• They mention people having to shaking the tent outside to imitate the wind.

• For the tent scene Taylor emptied a trash can (everyone wondered why).
It was for Kristen to make her feel more comfortable because she was
terribly sick that day

• SM and Wyck commenting on Kristen not wearing her big jacket when walking out of the tent in the morning. They
suggest Kristen throwing down the jacket in the scene and saying “you
knew he was listening. i hate that coat!!”

• Jacob/Bella kissing scene: 2 different filming locations. SM added the last little kiss
between J/B. SM: This required more demonstrative kissing “everyone was
kissing everyone!”

• THEY FILMED JACOB/BELLA GETTING OLD TOGETHER. They had a grey bella wig and everything. But everybody
laughed  so they cut it out. WHY ISNT IT ON THE DVD?!?! WHERE IS IT??

• OK i don’t get this. SM: “At least they cut the part where they then continued the hunt and they
leaped over a log and now Bella is being played by a very muscular stunt
man i believe. Also now bella is ripped. It was a very interesting
aspect of her vampire transformation.” NO IDEA.

• They had a nickname for a newborn whose make up stood out: The “neon newborn”

• SM: “Esme kicks butt. A lot of creative ways to kill people.”

• SM mythology issues. She believes it looks too easy to kill a vamp. They should have to work more to do it.

• There was a Bree/Esme scene that was cut. Its not on the DVD.

• SM “bryce’s face kills me” “crazy beautiful its unreal”

• SM: “Xaviers face is so noble.”

• Wyck: (joking about Xavier)We really did take his arm off for this shot. Method acting

• Edward trying to get Victoria to attack him and not run away. Wycke:
“Turn him into “ass” SM: “Oh wycke. These movies would be really
different if you were writing them. They would be funny!”

• SM about Bella/Edward running from Victoria: “Hide behind the tree, that would fool her!”

• Wyck: “Kristen should do an all out action film. She’s really really
athletic.” (I agree!) SM: “Oh she so should. I loved watching her run in
New Moon, in Italy”. Wyck: “Really?” SM: “yeh she looks so good”

• They sped up the speed of blood running down Bella’s arm

• There were shots of Riley’s disbelief as Victoria ignored his screaming that were cut out.

• SM on Edward: “i learnt this one in Italy!” as he bites off Victoria’s head.

• SM (funny voice): “Theres Leah. Screwing things up again!”

• W: “There was a shot where a wolf phased into naked Jacob, Ultimately too nudie.”

• SM: “I am always jealous of Jane’s outfits.”

• Rob/Kris kept laughing off camera trying to get Dakota to laugh when she was in character as Jane. They succeeded.

• SM went around saying “Pity” a lot after seeing the movie. (imitating Jane)

• Bree falls to the ground screaming. SM: “She’s so cute.”

• SM talks about auditions for Bree: 250 people screaming. Many of them badly. It was a painful experience.

• SM on Bella talking to Jacob when he’s sick: “Everyones listening. And they all want to beat you when you come back out.”

• They say the Jacob/Bella scene at the end is a great scene!

• Then they complain about sheens of sweat, pillow sweat etc.

• Then they start joking about bad medical props. Wyck: Carlisle is to medicine like Charlie is to the police force. LOL

• Wycke: Kristen’s fantastic again.

• There was song before metric that was supposed to be in the final scene
that they got attached to. It was already released. They don’t say what
song it was.

• They talk about the score which was made in England. SM: “Maybe we should film Isle Esme in England. Because its
very tropical and warm!”

• SM on Bella’s final speech: “It feels like she’s made progression. She understands herself a little bit more.”

• Wyck on Edward giving Bella the ring at the end: “You missed the fight where she threw it at him. Oh yeh good offscreen!”

• Wyck had a fantastic idea for Bella when Edward wouldn’t let her see
Jacob.SM: “She storms upstairs. Theres a Picture of Joan Jett stuck by
her mirror. She nods to herself and pulls out the scissors”. W: She
looks in the mirror at herself and cuts her hair! Like joan jett. SM:
Then we would be done! W: Then entire movie with hair like joan jett.
That would have been fun. SM: No one ever listens to you Wyck.

• Wyck: “There are a few people we would like to thank....” SM thanks the
Craft services, they’re like set mums. They make grilled cheese
sandwhiches like no other.

• Then they get serious and thank the director, assistants etc.

The weekend this FINALLY comes out, I'm going to be in my "Team Edward" PJs pretty much 24/7 #TrueFacts

- Lorabell

Twilight Gets A Disney Make Over!

NextMovie "Disneyfied" seven famous movie franchises, including our beloved Twilight.

Not surprisingly Bella looks Beauty & The Beast "Belle"-esque whereas Edward looks increasingly like Frankenstein :/ nice bouffant though ;)

Thanks TinkPink

- Lorabell

Is this (FINALLY) the Breaking Dawn logo? Let's discuss...

I'm trying to remember whether this has been post about before but - even though it hasn't officially been announced yet - could this from Summit's official site be the Breaking Dawn logo?

The navigation bar along the top of the site shows the previously released Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse logos - it appears that Breaking Dawn is in an almost white.

The blue Twilight represented the ethereal coldness of being introduced to the world of vampires, the orange New Moon contrasted with the natural warmth of the Wolves, as the gray and red of Eclipse clashes the two as fire and ice.

Will this (apparent) Breaking Dawn logo serve Part 1 as the white of the wedding then Isle Esme's dazzling sun and sand, before Bella's gaunt and pale pregnancy; and then Part 2 as the brilliant light dawning over the horizon over the white snow?

Via source

- Lorabell

Uber Schmexy Breaking Dawn HoneyMoon Gif!

Not that I'm condoning such bruises but... oh to have Edward's hands do that - my, my!

- Lorabell

Jackson Rathbone's New Teen Action TV Series "Aim High" - Setting my DVR now!

Goooooood pic!

Peter Binazeski of Warner Brother Digital Distribution emailed to let us know that Jackson Rathbone is set to star alongside Amiee Teegarden (Friday Night Lights) in a new Warner Premier and Dolphin Entertainment multi-platform teen action series ‘Aim High’!
We’re thrilled to have Jackson and Aimee on board,” said Producer McG. “They’re incredibly talented, collaborative individuals with undeniable screen presence.”

Aim High is the story of a young man leading a double life – juggling his studies by day and serving as a government agent by night. This series chronicles the life of Nick Green, a junior who’s just starting a new school year as one of the country’s 64 highly trained teenage operatives.

When he’s not handling international spies, Nick is dreaming of Amanda Miles, the most popular girl in school who’s cool, intelligent and very alluring. Amanda mercilessly flirts with Nick, but before he can enjoy her advances he has to avoid Derek – her overly protective boyfriend who threatens him for even looking at her.

- Lorabell *hearts Jackson*

Do Bella & Edward Wear Wedding Rings In Breaking Dawn Or Not?! Could This Mean A Dream Sequence?

OK, so I got to thinking (dangerous I know) when the first Breaking Dawn set pics came out from Brazil filming, Bella wasn't wearing a wedding band - only her fugly engagement ring - and Edward wasn't wearing a wedding band either, nor his Cullen crest wrist band.

However, soon after we saw Isle Esme pics with both Bella and Edward wearing wedding bands - but, alas still no Cullen crest wrist band.

So I started thinking how that just doesn't make sense, because they'd both surely be wearing wedding rings by the time they arrive in Brazil on honeymoon. Now I can't see how this could work in a dream sequence, but I really think it must do!

And another thing, still no Cullen crest - did Edward loose it? OOOR did he get a smaller version of the crest engraved into their wedding rings? Hence the slightly thicker band - especially on Bellas!

Hmmm... thoughts?

Pic via TwiFans

- Lorabell

Breaking Dawn Film Deets - Second HoneyMoon Cottage & Vancouver Shoots!

According to source, Rob and Kristen are going to be continuing with the steamy scenes for Breaking Dawn in the Cullen cottage o'luuurve down at the Baton Rouge studio in Louisiana for some post transformation vampire schmexy times ;)

Even though rumours were rife about filming relocating back up to Vancouver by February 15th 2011, apparently the second half of the Breaking Dawn shoot won't start until the third or fourth week!

We'll have to wait and see...

- Lorabell

New Uber Video - Full HQ Eclipse DVD Extras from David Slade - oh Hale yeah!

In case you can't wait for the Eclipse DVD extras, here are the 12 and a half minutes work of deleted/extended scenes that director, David Slade had to cut from the movie - in good quality - including:
Deleted -

"It's not life or death" with Angela

"I can't wait to see what you're going to do next" with Charlie *tear*

"Just keep the window closed" with Edward *swoon*

Extended -

"From now on I'm Switzerland"

"Someone's creating an arrrmy" - oh Emmett!

"Bella, I envy you"

"What did I say about a low profile?"

"Jacob's thoughts are pretty loud"

I hope these aren't all! Where's the "third wife" scene that Kristen shot in native costume and the flash-foward to her life with Jacob? I wanna seeeeee!!!

Thanks TK :)

- Lorabell - Back from NYC and to our usually scheduled programming :)

Katrina Kaif in Sheela Ki Jawani: Item video Song, Photos & Pictures

Katrina Kaif's item number Sheela Ki Jawani which is making waves has the stunner in six different sexy looks. Sheela Ki Jawani with Katrina Kaif in bold avatar in Tees Maar Khan has hit the audience very high. The hot actress Katrina Kaif, known for some controversial films like Boom and some memorable films like Rajneeti makes a splash again in the tinsel town of Bollywood with her ‘Sheela ki Jaawani’ number in Tees Maar Khan. While the buzz around the song had been germinated cleverly by Farah Khan a long time back, it’s the video unveiling of this hugely seductive item number that has taken the nation by the storm. Check out the latest Katrina Kaif's Sheela Ki Jawani Song, Katrina Kaif's Sheela Ki Jawani Photos, Katrina Kaif's Sheela Ki Jawani Pictures, Katrina Kaif's Sheela Ki Jawani video, Katrina Kaif's Sheela Ki Jawani Song Wallpapers.

Katrina Kaif Sheela Ki Jawani Item SongKatrina Kaif Sheela Ki Jawani Item SongKatrina Kaif Sheela Ki Jawani Item SongKatrina Kaif Sheela Ki Jawani Item Song

New/Old Cam Gigandet Photo Shoot - Hummana Why The Hale Not?!

Has anyone actually seen Cam's new film Burlesque? I kinda want to - it might be worth it given Cam's "appearance" ;)

Speaking of, see more really rather nommy pics from this shoot over at source

- Lorabell

Abhishek Bachchan's Khelein Hum Jee jaan Sey: Movie Review & Wallpapers

Khelein Hum Jee jaan Sey WallpapersKhelein Hum Jee Jaan Sey is upcoming Bollywood movie from famous director Ashutosh Gowariker. Based on the Manini Chatterjee novel ‘DO AND DIE: The Chittagong Uprising 1930-34’, the movie is a period thriller highlighting India’s struggle for independence. Abhishek Bachchan and Deepika Padukone are in leading pair of the movie and both are working together for first time. Abhishek plays freedom fighter Masterda Surya Sen, a man who alongside an army of only 65 men won a battle against the sophisticated British army in Chittagong and declared independence on April 18, 1930. Deepika plays a Bengali woman named Kalpana Datta who against all odds participate in the freedom movement and fight for her country alongside all the brave men of Masterda Surya Sen's army. A school teacher Surjya Sen, carried out simultaneous attacks on five strongholds of the British Raj in Chittagong, Bengal and the movie follows the revolutionaries. The film has been produced by Ajay Bijli, Sanjeev K Bijli, and Sunita Gowariker, under the banner Ashutosh Gowariker and PVR Pictures. Music of the film given by Sohail Sen and the songs written by great Lyricist Javed Akhtar. ‘Khelein Hum Jee Jaan Sey’ is set to hit the theaters on 3rd December, 2010. Here you will find Khelein Hum Jee jaan Sey Movie Reviews, Khelein Hum Jee jaan Sey Movie Wallpapers, Khelein Hum Jee jaan Sey Movie Photos, & Khelein Hum Jee jaan Sey Movie Pictures.

Khelein Hum Jee Jaan Sey (2010) Movie Cast & Crew Details:
Movie Name : Khelein Hum Jee Jaan Sey
Star Cast : Abhishek Bachchan…… Surjya Sen, Deepika Padukone…… Kalpana Datta, Vishakha Singh……Pritilata Waddedar, Sikander Kher…… Nirmal Sen, Amin Gazi, Vijay Maurya
Producer : Sunita Gowariker, Ajay Bijli, Sanjeev K Bijli
Director : Ashutosh Gowariker
Co-Producer : Lawrence D’Souza
Music Director : Sohail Sen
Lyricist : Javed Akhtar
Cinematography : Kiran Deohans
Banner : Ashutosh Gowariker Productions, PVR Pictures
Release Date : December 3, 2010
Screenplay : Ashutosh Gowariker
Dialogue : Vijay Maurya
Costume : Neeta Lulla
Genre : Adventure, Period
Official Website :

Khelein Hum Jee Jaan Sey (2010) Movie: Wallpapers & Pictures

Khelein Hum Jee jaan Sey WallpapersKhelein Hum Jee jaan Sey Wallpapers

SQUEEE! Bill Condon's Feathery Breaking Dawn Message!

I. Am. Died.

Breaking Dawn director, Bill Condon Tweet this fantastically feathery Thanksgiving message that made me go squeee:
"Happy Thanksgiving and a crazy Black Friday to all of you and yours." - Bill Condon
Bill, I think I love you - no lie.

Via @Twilight - thanks Shraddha!

- Lorabell *bounce*

Size Zero Figure Actresses: Top Sexiest Zero Figure Actress in Bollywood

Trend of 'size zero' figure in bollywood: It seems that ‘size zero’ trend has started in Bollywood industry in very high speed…..Now every actress wants to acquire the size zero figure to look great……Where most of the actresses are following Kareena Kapoor’s foot steps to make zero size figure there Deepika Padukone is just showing opposite mentality. Bollywood has a many thinnest as well as with zero figure actresses like as a Shilpa Shetty, Lara Dutta, Priyanka Chopra, Kareena Kapoor, Bipasha Basu, Aishwarya Rai, Katrina Kaif and Deepika Padukone with her’s Height and Weight. But Here is the few bollywood actresses photos of zero figure, bollywood's zero figure actress wallpapers, size zero Actresses Photos, Hot size zero Actress in Bollywood Pictures & Images.

Zero Figure Actress in Bollywood