Kellan the Barbarian

I'd not been paying much attention to the rumours about Kellan being cast in the remake of Conan - much like SpideyPatz (ummm, no!) - but apparently these are true:

"It's something that I've been actively going after because I'd die to put the weight back on," he told us at last night's Division-E party at Lisa Kline in L.A. "I'm tired of playing young; I want to be the big guy that I was."

Just how close is he to winning the role? "I've been auditioning," Kellan, 24, said. "They're finalizing so they're trying to figure out what happens next. I've been waiting for a while, doing screen tests. There are just so many cooks in the kitchen. If it happens, it happens…Regardless, it's not gonna be the new Arnold Schwarzenegger type of movie, no one's going to try and play that role. I think they're going younger, a different type of story. I'm just excited, because the script is great."

The boy just can't keep his shirt on - no complaints here :)

Via E! thanks Irene

- Lorabell