Hope for Haiti - where you can watch... and donate!

Update: Thanks Alycya:

For all those who don't have these channels...
YouTube will be airing a live feed on their website for EVERYONE!

The Website:

What Time:
- UK residents - January 23 (Saturday) 1:00am
- 8:00pm ET - January 22 (Friday)

Oh, and word is according to the LA Times that Taylor is actually manning the phones in LA (thanks Shraddha and Christy) and Anna was just spotted also pitching in (thanks MrsBLong)

NB: I'll add these properly later but go to Pop Sugar to see pics of beardy Rob on his way to record Hope for Haiti :)

Speed post: Via the uh-mazing Thinking Of Rob:

International Response Fund

As you all most likely have heard by now Rob tak­ing part in the “Hope for Haiti” telethon via satel­lite from the UK. We’ve been asked by many peo­ple where and at what time the telethon will air. Here is the infor­ma­tion we’ve gath­ered so far.

The 2 hour pro­gram will be com­mer­cial free and air start­ing at 8pm EST on Fri­day Jan­u­ary 22nd. It will be hosted by George Clooney in Los Ange­les, Wyclef Jean in New York, Ander­son Cooper in Haiti and Robert Pat­tin­son in the UK...

We’ve been tal­ly­ing dona­tions from the begin­ning. The Fan­dom Gives back and Ms. Kathy have done a huge amount of work. So far the fan­dom has gath­ered 38,764.89$ for Haiti.

From MTV: In the US: BC, CBS, NBC, FOX, CNN, BET, the CW, HBO, MTV, VH1 and CMT as well as PBS, TNT, Show­time, Com­edy Cen­tral, Bravo, E! Enter­tain­ment Net­work, National Geo­graphic Chan­nel, Oxy­gen, G4, Cen­tric, Cur­rent TV, Fuse, MLB Net­work, Epix, Pal­la­dia, Soap­Net, Style, Dis­cov­ery Health and Planet Green.

In Canada: CTV, CBC Tele­vi­sion, Global Tele­vi­sion and MuchMusic

In the UK: MTV UK at 1am GMT (Jan­u­ary 23rd)

Inter­na­tional: BET Inter­na­tional, CNN Inter­na­tional, National Geo­graphic and MTV Net­works Inter­na­tional avail­able in 640 mil­lion homes worldwide.

“Hope for Haiti” will be the first U.S.-based telethon air­ing on MTV in China.

Face­book and Twit­ter are the offi­cial social media part­ners who will help to drive dona­tions and tune-in to the telethon. All dona­tions will directly ben­e­fit Oxfam Amer­ica, Part­ners in Health, Red Cross, UNICEF and Wyclef’s Yele Haiti Foun­da­tion.

Face­book and MySpace have signed on as offi­cial social-media part­ners to help steer view­ers to the telethon and drive donations. Addi­tion­ally, the Clin­ton Bush Haiti Fund and United Nations World Food Pro­gramme have joined the list of relief orga­ni­za­tions that will ben­e­fit from the show, with pro­ceeds to be split evenly among each organization’s indi­vid­ual Haiti relief funds.

“Hope For Haiti Now” will be the most widely dis­trib­uted telethon in his­tory, inter­na­tion­ally and across media plat­forms, includ­ing live stream­ing glob­ally on sites includ­ing YouTube, Hulu, MySpace, Fan­cast, AOL, MSN.com, Yahoo, Bing.com, BET.com, MTV.com, and Rhap­sody and on mobile via All­tel, AT&T, Sprint, Ver­i­zon, and FloTV.
Source: MTV