Different version of NM's "break up" scene!

Happy New Year, fellow addicts :) I was surfing around looking for some good crack to post and came across this over at Lion_Lamb...

Remember when that leaked clip of New Moon where Edward leaves Bella from the Rome Film Festival? It turns out it's different from the final movie version!

The earlier music seems to reflect the scene better and emphasize the emotion... I'm liking it more *ducks and covers* I dunno, what do you think?

- Lorabell

P.s. I'm sure there are loads of other things but I've also noticed that the kiss scene in Volterra is different - Bella doesn't kiss Edward until they're inside the tower in the finished movie, but in a trailer/leak (?) she kisses him on the steps. Check out the nommy gif in the side bar - it's different... but I ain't complainin' ;)