Top Ten Sexy Smiles...

Rob came fifth. FIFTH! Are you kidding me?! Do you KNOW how many people swoon (and other things not fit for print) over this man daily?! It's been likened to Beatlemania! I mean, just look at that schmexiness - seriously "Everything about him invites you in, his smile is certainly no exception" ... FIFTH?!?!

However, in an effort to dig themselves out, three of our other favourite Twilighters made the count:

3.)Taylor Lautner: Does his being half naked bother me? Nope, but his mouth does tend to draw my attention.

2.)Kellan Lutz: His teeth, his lips, his dimples, I don’t see how anyone couldn’t appreciate that mouth. WOW.

My number one spot goes to the guy I consider to be the epitome of beautiful, and soulful.

1.)Jackson Rathbone: For me, there is no sexier mouth on the planet. His smile reaches his eyes, and it’s contagious.
You can’t look at him grinning, and not do the same in return.
Every time I see his mouth turn up at the corners, I can’t help but smile extremely wide, and say “Awwwww” (Yes aloud, don’t judge me.) *laugh*

Pssh - Rob wins!

The Insider via Spunk Ransom

- Lorabell ;)