RPattz's Car Up For Grabs? Finders keepers! ;)

Dude, where's my car?!
Robert Pattinson has lost his car.

The 'Twilight' actor Robert Pattinson can't recall where he left the vehicle, despite it being incredibly important to him, after his hectic filming and travelling schedule left him disorganized.

He is reported as saying: "I don't even remember where I left my car. It's probably been towed away by now.

"It's upsetting because it was the first car I ever bought. It made me feel like a man, buying a car."

Rob, if it's anything based on this pic, then I suggest looking for an Everest shaped mass of post-its/scrap-paper and start digging :) ... Good luck with that!

It's probably worth looking into - if the wrong fan girl gets there first, there's going to be some scary cloning attempts occurring.

Read in full at Exposay - thanks Robsten4Eva

- Lorabell