Breaking Dawn Cast Encounter in Baton Rouge!

Bloggy buds over at Letters to Twilight got an email from a Twilight fan, Stephenie who'd gone down to Baton Rouge on business...

Outside of work, she went to check out the Breaking Dawn studio, where "someone even thought I was Bella, told me to get on set & into bed with 'Edward!'" - ummm... which way to set?

However, lucky Stephenie was also staying at the cast's HOTEL - gaaah!

Rather than stalking/fan-girling/tweeting their locations she played it cool and DIDN'T EVEN ASK ROB FOR A PHOTO when they were eating at the same sushi restaurant one night! ...although she did get a couple of sneaky shots of him in the background - who wouldn't?!

A little later in the night it seems she placated her non-Rob woes by asking nicely for pics with Jamie, Michael and Erik who were happy to oblige :)

...Road trip anyone?

- Lorabell