Ashley Greene's Teen Vogue Cover & Interview

Update: Behind the scenes video:

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It's not easy being Greene. Or rather, as Ashley herself says, it isn't always easy. Yes, the winsomely pretty 23-year-old has a supercute boyfriend (one Mr. Joe Jonas) and a sizable role in the ultrasuccessful Twilight series, but that doesn't mean that life is a nonstop cakewalk for the actress. "There have definitely been low points," she admits. "Moments when I sit in my hotel room and want to cry! It's fun," she says of her fast-paced profession, "but it's a lot of pressure. If you're tired or run-down or having a rough day or missing your friends and family, you can't just call in sick." Right. The show, as they say, must go on.
Read in full over at Teen Vogue.

- Lorabell