FOOORKS & TwiTour Portland!

So this past weekend I joined up with Malicious Mandy to drive to Forks with the Twitards and co :)

We set off Thursday morning with a short stop by Bella's house that's being re-constructed on the out-skirts of Vancouver in preparation for Breaking Dawn - eeek!

We then *cough*missed the first ferry so hung out on the beach for an hour*cough* arrived into Port Townsand, where we openly fan-girled as we spotted signs to Port Angeles!

The silver lining to running late was that the Bella Italia was open and super yummy!

We got back on the 101 :D and drove onto Forks - let me just say, there is nooo way Edward is making that trip in under 40 minutes because it is crazy whindey if really beautiful - and hit the brakes like woah when we saw... the Forks city sign!

After meeting up with a 100 or so of our closest Twi-buddies (it felt alot like camp as we took over a good part of the Forks Motel) and sporting Charlie cop 'staches like champs at the Twilight Lounge bar, we called it a night.

The next morning, after heading over to the Forks Diner to fill up on caffeine and carbs, we got a tour of the town by the Twi-tastic Kitty_Elvis including:

"Newtons" outfitters

Bella's house

Forks Hospital

Forks High School

Forks Police department

The Cullen House


La Push :)

*Unfortunately other photos I took were lost when I lent out my memory card - apparently you do not do that :/

Sadly, Mandy and I had to set off for Portland (boo) for the TwiTour there (yaaay) via Astoria for a quick Goonies set visit (win!).

We arrived at the TwiTour just in time for karaoke with Bronson and Kiowa, where I put my brave face on - I was wearing my "You Can't Handle This" tee after all - and sang Black Velvet on stage :/

The next day we were up early for a 6 hour tour of of Twilight filming locations with (wait for it...) Catherine Hardwicke!

Catherine is super cool and friendly - she chatted away to us all like we'd been BFFs for years and gave us all the behind the scenes deets on the:

"My own personal brand of heroine" tree

"As if you could outrun me" boulder

"You have to tell me what you're thinking" rock <--- hummana!

Carver Cafe (where I totes did the Mike Newton "bow chica wah wow" through the window)

"I know what you are" forest #EPIC

View Point Inn - gorgeous views for Prom!

Cullen house - sooo amazing O_O but actually at the end of a regular street, unlike in the middle of nowhere as I always imagined

*I'd post more pictures but they mostly involve friends and I recreating scenes which no one needs to see ;)

We headed back to catch Chaske's Q&A - the man's voice is hypnotic - before vamping up for the Volturi Ball where new friends Bryan and Christine ruled the dance contest with a little help from Kiowa, Bronson, Charlie and the fantastically talented, Candace Charee.

I may or may not have closed out the evening by dancing on stage to Party in the USA #MakingKStewProud

Sunday, not only did I get to meet the creators of the FAME comics and see Mandy and the Twilight Lexicon's Shelley's talks...

...but Daniel Cudmore and Charlie Bewley took the stage to answer the weekend's best random question:

"Would you rather have no elbows or no knees?"

After some fairly hysterical demonstrations, people seemed to unanimously choose knees. Now you know!

Over all it was a super fun weekend and I can't wait to go to my next TwiTour (this Oct 8th-10th they're in Anaheim) with even more amazing bloggy-buds :) thanks for the great times, all!

- Lorabell x