Renesmee Casting for Breaking Dawn Part 1!

Speed post:
According to source:

The casting directors for "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part I" are now casting the role of "Young Renesmee". They are looking for a young girl who has some acting experience and is confident on a film set environment. This girl should have self-composure, good physical posture, and be very attentive, able to take direction well, and be quick to react. They also would prefer a girl with dance training.

The casting directors are not having open casting calls for this role due to the extremely high profile nature of the project. Rene Haynes, who was the casting director that handled Native American roles for the Twilight Saga films New Moon and Eclipse, held open casting calls for the films. She was quoted as saying, “It was crazy, especially in the early days, in the first four weeks after the announcement that my office was casting these roles we stopped counting emails after 20,000. We had created a dedicated email address for the project. We got so many we had to create another one."

After an open casting call was posted on Craigslist for The Twilight Saga: New Moon, the day was filled with tears and disappointment as hordes of teens from all over North America were eventually turned away. Since many teens came from far and wide, including some from Florida, Washington, Oregon, and other cities, the early end to the open auditions sparked a wave of emotions as tears began to flow while others in the crowd became angry after standing and waiting almost all night in the Vancouver cold for the casting call.

There are currently three casting companies working on Breaking Dawn 1 & 2, and they all have gone public with email addresses. These email addresses have been flooded to the point of becoming filled to capacity and many submissions are being returned as "undeliverable" or "email not valid". These email addresses are likely created mainly to appease the masses and are not being used for actual casting purposes.

Information on how parents can submit their child for the role of 'Renesmee' in Breaking Dawn Part I can be found

Filming on Breaking Dawn Part I starts November 1, 2010 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Hmm a "young Renesmee" for "Breaking Dawn part 1" - looks like those older girls were for part 2 after all - hard to get a match up though...

- Lorabell