New Rob Video - Songs From A Swoon, er... Room ;)

Updated with more footage video:

Apparently this was recorded in London for a series called "Songs From A Room" where musicians literally record impromptu sets in living rooms. Who knew?

I wish he was still able to play in public *sigh* so good!

Coincidentally, I just got back from my first Lizzy Pattinson gig. Um... her voice is uh-mazing! Check her out - for serious!

Here's a snippet of her performance tonight at The Regal Room - the song is called "Hands" which she introduced by saying "I wrote this with my brother" - enjoy ;)

Scoot to 25.ish for Lizzy's second set and my *fave* song of the night "Since I Fell For You" at 30.ish :)

Source via source

- Lorabell

P.s. See that dark mass of hair to the right by Lizzy's leg? That would be me *waves*