My Super Duper Spoilery Post of Eclipse Epicness

Update: Having seen Eclipse in the epicness of IMAX yesterday with EdwardCullenNet and TwiGossipGirl, I felt the need to add a couple of extra points:

Awesome to the max:

When Rosalie bursts in on Royce in full wedding dress regalia - I may have actually whooped!

Of course, the real Jacob kiss - I could've done with a little more back bending, ifyouknowwhatImean, but I especially love the look on Bella's face after.

Sad panda:

I was kinda hoping after the Rosalie and Jasper flash-backs that there would be an "Anne of Green Gables" teaser to replace the cringe-fest of the New Moon prancing... *shudder*

So now I have a moment amidst my birthday/NYC/helping friends move/Eclipse week I'm finally going to post my best and worst moments!

Eclipse day, I got my "lil a$$ ready" (10 sparkle points for quoteage) to see Kristen at the Regis & Kelly show I had tickets for - yes, I finally got to meet her briefly and it was totes magical ;)

Then I tootled my way down to Union Square where Volturi Ventures hosted the advanced Eclipse screening.

I met up with JennyJerkface, SnarkierThanYou, LatchKeyWife and friends MissTeJota, Nomness, AliceInNYC and more - sadly Mrs TCA was unable to join due to the early arrival of Baby TCA - we missed you new-Momma TCA!

Waiting in the 100+ something baking street heat to ensure our places, we finally got to snag our seats and silently squeee as the lights dimmed *deep breath* and then...

1. Epic awesomeness of the opening sequence - you GO, Xavier with your super convincing cries of transformation pains - I was bouncing in my emmer effing seat!

2. Bella in Florida - one, the shades were really fricking cool and two, hands up if you got a lump in your throat when she and Renee hugged over the t-shirt blanket *tear*

3. Victoria running through the woods - as much as I miss Rachelle, I knew Bryce would do a killer job and all that leaping off trees and over ravines - awesome!

4. Oh my, Taylor in a tight black tee - I love that Jacob looking "dangerous" was kept in from the book and his "I had nothing to say" - wouch!

5. Although Jessica's speech really impressed me, I gotta say that the highlight of the graduation ceremony was Charlie's slow clap - my lip might have quivered just a lil ;)

6. Bella punching Jacob - the noise, the reaction, the fight with Edward afterwards "I kissed Bella. And then she punched my face. Total misunderstanding" - epic.

7. Speaking of Charlie, "the talk"... I. just. loves.

8. Training. Not only do we have Jasper as the uber southernly gentleman *nom* but "athletic" Rob getting all smirky on Papa Cullen - #FTW!

9. The battle - Alice flitting around, Jasper ripping off arms, wolves diving all over, new borns being torn apart - woah yeah!

10. Saving the best for last... the proposal :) not only was the make out scene toootes hawt, but their hug after Bella's acceptance made me all kinds of squishy inside *le sigh* aaannnddd the emmer effing leg hitch - YES!

However, a couple of minor downers...

1. I was sad the "I felt hope" line wasn't left in :(

2. Bree - sorry, but I remain underwhelmed.

3. The ring *siiigh* I want to like it - I really do - but I don't even know if I could say yes to that fug :/

Did I miss anything? What were your best/worst bits?!

- Lorabell :)

Bonus: I'd be lying if when I saw Carlisle in that short-sleeve blue shirt I didn't turn and say "dang, the Doctor is IN!"