Nikki talks Rosalie & K-11 in Venice Magazine

Venice: Talk about some of the opportu­nities that have opened up for you in the past year. Or have you even had time to enjoy them, you’ve been so busy.

Nikki Reed: It might take a couple of years before I can properly reflect on this whole thing. It’s been really crazy and everything is moving so fast that it’s hard to see it from an outside perspective...
I’m not a household name, I don’t think that I am, but if you mention the name Twilight now there’s an instant connection between you and whoever the person is in the world because they know what it is. And so it’s given me an opportunity to meet really cool actors that I idolize. You can say you’re in Twilight and they sort of get that maybe you get their insane world for half a second. And the cool thing is a lot of these actors have kids that love Twilight much more than they love their parents’ work because their parents are just their parents. But some really famous woman sent a letter to Rob saying, “Hey, will you sign something for my children? I’ve sent you some script covers to sign.” It’s just really incredible...

And it’s also weird to be so focused on what you look like physically. I’ve never worked on a film where I’m as concerned with things that seem so superficial. But how we look is really important, especially when you’re playing these characters that people really feel a connection with. They feel like they know them and not just because they’ve seen them on the big screen, but before that. So you want to make sure you look right and it’s really frustrating because sometimes it feels like it’s out of your control. And it’s never gonna be perfect and the word perfect seems to me like a very common word that’s used when describing us and that throws you off as well. It’s like, “What is perfect?” I don’t know.

Do you feel like there’s a similarity to what you went through with Thirteen?

There is a similarity, there is a connection, there totally is. That was like a cult phenome­non, obviously on a much smaller scale, but that was still something that made people want to know the person, want to connect with the person, want to ask the person questions. There were no boundaries with that movie, just like I feel there are no bound­aries with this.

What can you tell us about K-11?

I just don’t know what’s happening with it, but Jules Stewart, Kristen [Stewart]’s mom is directing. She wrote it as well, with a writing partner. Kristen and I both love the project; we hope it gets made, obviously. But other than that I don’t know what else to say ’cause we don’t have a start date and we’re kind of all wrapped up in this, she and I. So at least I know when my schedule is free, maybe hers will be free. We sort of know where the other one’s at. But we want to make it. It’s a great project and it’s an opportunity for me to play something that couldn’t be farther away from my situation, and people will no longer have the opportunity to say she’s playing herself. Even though I couldn’t have lived on my own, paid rent, tried to finish high school, without even having a dri­ver’s license, I couldn’t have done all those things if I was this crazy insane lunatic, which is the character I keep playing. Except in Twilight, which is also another great reason I’m happy to be a part of this, because of the mass exposure and the difference in what I’m playing. K-11 I get to play a role so different than myself and I always play roles different than myself. In fact, Ros­alie is the closest thing I’ve ever played to myself. It depends on how you look at her, but in terms of how protective she is over her family, and how loving she is, and not in a condescend­ing way, in a mature, wise way, how she can look at the big picture and see what’s best for her and her family. And I feel like that’s the role I’ve sort of always played.
Hm... I've never been overly opposed to Nikki but, I will say, this interview was not easy to edit down - girl can talk!

Read in full O_o at

- Lorabell *phew*