Uber Post of NM Junket Epicness!

Twifecta talk to ABC via TwiFans

Pretty much the same footage edited together with footage from AP via TwiFans

More from Hit Flix via Bella and Edward

Kristen interview with Access Hollywood in full

Access Hollywood interview with Rob part 1

Access Hollywood interview with Rob part 2

Access Hollywood interview with Taylor part 1

Access Hollywood interview with Taylor part 2

Access Hollywood interview the Volturi

Access Hollywood interview the Cullens (which I can't get to embed right now)

CNN interview with Kristen via KStewartFan

E! talk to Kristen and Rob via TwiFans

The Twifecta talk to ET

Rob talks to ET... and that chick who sat on his lap :/

The Insider talk to Rob via Thinking of Rob

The Twifecta and Cullens talk to Jacob Edward (<--hahaha) Hammilton via KStewartFan

Rob on Extra via RobertPattinson.au

Hollywood Dailies talks to "the entire cast"

HollyScoop talks to Kristen

Kate (from somewhere?) talks to Kristen - thanks Shraddha!

Same woman talks to Rob :)

For candid shots check out MTV's gallery - thanks Shraddha :)

*phew* did I miss any?!

- Lorabell: please comment to keep me from losing it after all of those!

P.s. I'm just going to keep on updating :)