Vanessa Hudgens with Nikki in Vancity!

Um, OME!

Thanks to Gabi for the heads up on this - I literally read her comment in our little chat box and actually said "Shut. Up." out loud to myself!

Could this mean she's really Leah?! ...Might explain all that cross-over promo from Summit - hmmm!

See more at Just Jared Jnr.

- Lorabell

P.S. Twilight Examiner reports via t5m that Vanessa's in town for a movie called Sucker Punch, but also adds Vanessa to a list of potential Leahs, including Julia Jones (where'd that rumor start, anyway?). Hmm...guess we'll have to wait & see! -- TCA

P.p.s. Damn, I really should've known that, ROFLOL *ahem* considering I read it today n all ;) totally first-hand embarrassing! - Lorabell