KOL not on NM soundtrack

Caleb is sooo on my "to do" list - boy is schmexy!

In case you missed it (like me) Billboard reports that the Kings of Leon will not be on the New Moon soundtrack as Chris Weitz (and the rest of us) had hoped:

Kings of Leon are pondering the release of another single for "Only By Night" -- Followill is thumping for "Notion" -- but will not, as rumored, be contributing anything to the soundtrack for "New Moon," the second film in the "Twilight" series.

...*sigh* "Closer" was such the perfect New Moon choon :( oh well, there's always Eclipse and Breaking Dawn!

Thanks Twilight Examiner

- Lorabell *fingers crossed*

P.s. If you haven't read LettersToTwilight's post on that Kings of Leon show then follow the link and enjoy :)