Pile o' Poo: Copyright Lawsuit Bullshiz Debunked

By now you've all heard about that crackpot who's accused Stephenie Meyer of plagiarizing her story ideas. We haven't blogged about this sad, annoying pile o' poo because we didn't want to give that attention-seeking chick and her silly allegations any airtime.

However, Twilight Lexicon has done some sleuthing to help debunk some of the crap that is out there right now:
We decided to do some more research. We wanted to see for ourselves when Ms. Scott actually copyrighted her book. Well we got a whole lot more than we bargained for. We not only looked up Ms. Scott, but Stephenie Meyer as well. We were after the date that Twilight was copyrighted. Little did we know that not only was Twilight copyrighted, but so is Forever Dawn. This was news to us.
Read the rest here.