Nikki loses her luggage?

Random pic - she looks such a young'un!

"According" to Perez, both Nikki's laptop and guitar were stolen en route from LAX to the Couve and was apparently overheard telling RPattz:

“I had so much fun in Greece this summer. I wish I had pictures to show you, but my laptop was stolen with everything on it. The police are trying to find it for me, but I doubt they will, which really sucks! ... I’m so bummed, I mean, I can get another [guitar], but I really loved that one.”

Here are my theories...

1) Crazy pap didn't get good shots and thought he'd nab Nikki's holiday pics - possible

2) Pattinson-pants lady thought they were Rob's and that she'd serenade him with his guitar recorded on his laptop - probable

3) Ebay!

Thanks Lauren :)

- Lorabell