New KStew interview with MSN Mexico

MSN Mexico grabbed this interview with KStew at Comic Con:

Stewart arrived with a heroin chic look, probably because of the movie she’s filming ‘The Runaways’. She completely avoided any visual contact with the journalists interviewing her. I’ve been told that it’s because the actress is extremely shy and doesn’t like certain aspects of her job.

We still managed to talk to her about the dificulties of her character in this sequel and this is what she said: “In this movie the only way we can see Edward is through the very subjective point of view of Bella. It’s only through her memory that the character is present, so he doesn’t have to be there physically.

This movie is much more emotional than the first, I can promise you that. Anyone who’s read the books knows that the second book is much more intense than the first because unlike Twilight, New Moon is not about your first love.

In this movie, Bella presents herself as a manic depressive person and my challenge was asking myself ‘How Can I get this character to come out of that state she’s in? And how can I play a character who’s going through that process? It was very hard to portray a young woman who’s getting over the hard blows she gets from life and how she grows up after them.

I know that in my career I haven’t been involved in many projects that have generated so much expectation as Twilight and I just have to confess that I’m just another fan of the project. I get so excited to see how the movie is wrapping up, what the first trailers look like, etc.

I know that fans are worried that Edwward is not in this movie that much, but trust me, you’ll see him enough, and if the character Edward Cullen didn’t leave, then how were we going to miss him?” concludes the actress.

I heart how to the point Kristen can be - and I can not wait for New Moon as, not only is it my fave of the books but, I totally agree with Kristen's point - I love it exactly because Edward's absence makes you that much more aware of what you feel for him, so much so that it's painful... I'm such an emotional masochist ;) I love it!

Thanks Twilight Poison

- Lorabell

P.s. Does anyone else want to see her looking super-crop-cute without the mullet already?! <--- Bad example but you get my point ;)