Munching on Muffins: Kiowa Reveals Details on His Favorite WolfPack Scene

Kiowa Gordon describes his favorite scene to film in New Moon to MTV:
"I call it 'the muffin scene,' " revealed Gordon, who plays Jacob Black's friend Embry Call in the flick. "We all gather around at Emily's house — she's Sam, the big pack leader's, fiancĂ©e — and we all just gather around and eat muffins and talk about stuff."
No muffins for Jacob though. Taylor reveals:

"The muffin scene?" Taylor Lautner grinned when we told him of Gordon's comments. "I didn't have the pleasure to enjoy any muffins.

"When they were eating their funny little muffins, I was standing in the back, all pissed off," Lautner said of the scene, which depicts Jacob as not being too thrilled with the whole imprinting/ turning-into-a-wolf drama. "So I just got to watch them eat their muffins."

Read the rest at MTV.