Flying & Crying: Noot Talks Twilight & Reveals Obsession with Saved by the Bell has some Q&A with Noot Seear, and she talks about RPattz, modeling and how the Twilight books made her cry:

Wait—so you’ve read the Twilight books by now, undoubtedly?

I read them on airplanes. I think there’s something about flying that heightens emotion, because I was literally crying the whole way through each of those books. Flying and crying. I’m sure people thought I was crazy.

Did you comprehend what makes teenage girls so fanatical about the books? I mean, was there anything in your life, at that age, that you were that consumed with?

It’s too embarrassing, I can’t say.

Come on. I freely confess to my own Anne of Green Gables obsession. Books and miniseries.

Saved by the Bell. I mean…Zack Morris, oh. The blond one? I had posters, the whole thing. I think I’m still a big Zack Morris fan. I’d probably freak out if I saw him at a party. What is that guy doing now?
Read the rest here.

[via Twilight Examiner]