Embry Tweets?

The Lex has confirmed Kiowa Gordon on Twitter - follow him @CircaKiGordon and Tweet a wolfy welcome :)

- Lorabell

Volturi fan-made poster

The Twilight Examiner came across this very legitimate looking manipples poster of the Volturi. According to People:

"Stephenie was very keen to steer away from a kind of wizard-y look for the vampires," says Weitz. "They do look quite young, but they convey a formality and self-possession, which comes from age."

I can't wait for more images - promo, maniples or otherwise :)

- Lorabell

Will Twilight sweep the boards at Scream 2009?!

Twilight has been nominated for the following Scream awards:

The Ultimate Scream - Twilight
Best Fantasy Film - Twilight
Best Fantasy Actress - Kristen Stewart, Twilight
Best Fantasy Actor - Robert Pattinson, Twilight
Best Supporting Actress - Ashley Greene, Twilight
Best Breakout Performance - Taylor Lautner, Twilight
Robert Pattinson, Twilight
Best Ensemble - Twilight
Scream Song of the Year - “Decode” by Paramore, Twilight
Best Villain - Cam Gigandet as James

The awards tape on Saturday, October 17 at The Greek Theater in Los Angeles, CA - if you're up for a little cast spotting - and will be broadcast on Spike TV on Tuesday, October 27 (10:00 PM-Midnight, ET/PT) - if you have to watch it via your screen of choice like we mere mortals.

Vote HERE now :)

Thanks CullenBoysAnon

- Lorabell

US Weekly: The Sexy Stars of Twilight New Moon

Is this Rob's 'Blue Steel' look? :-)

You can pre-order your copy of Us Weekly's special "The Sexy Stars of Twilight New Moon" here. Available September 25, 2009.

Envisioning Edward with Long-hair :-)

Catherine Hardwicke revealed awhile ago that Rob was first tricked out with hair extensions to play Edward, and now we can visualize what this might have looked like thanks to ROBsessed, who shares this pic of Rob with longer hair.

Thank goodness Rob refused the extensions. Think of all the jawporn we would've been deprived of!

Bella, Renee & Bella's Wig Filming Florida Scenes Today!

See more pics of KStew, Sarah Clarke, David Slade, and KStew's WIG at Lainey.
Shooting today – Kristen Stewart’s “Bella” with her mom played by Sarah Clarke who arrived yesterday in Vancouver shooting a scene that’s supposed to be “Florida” at a beach house while “Edward” hides inside from sun.
Something is distracting me about the hairline on the wig. Is it just me?

Live Chat with Peter Facinelli & Billy Burke at 3 PM (ET)

Click on pic for live video chat!

Twilight Examiner reports that Peter & Billy Burke will be participating in a live chat at 3 pm. Tune in to Mashable to check it out!

P.S. It's working now @ 3:22 ET

P.P.S. That was kind of lame-o. Started late, ended early because of sound / technical difficulties. The guys were asked about Twitter, the applications they use, etc., but Peter was unable to get through and eventually the video feed got delayed. The most exciting part was Billy Burke, who was sporting his Charlie 'stache and admitted to being 'computer stupid'. Cute!

Sarah Clarke & Peter Facinelli Arrive in Vancouver

Yay Renee! I wonder what scenes they are going to film with her? See more pics of Sarah Clarke & Peter F at the Vancouver airport at Lainey, as well as pics of Nikki & Elizabeth.

Sia Tweets about Rob

Sia "Vanity Fair shoot Breathe Me singer" Furler is a very very very lucky lady! I wonder what song it was *day dreams away*

Thanks Spunk Ransom

- Lorabell

French Premiere Translated: Breaking Dawn Could Potentially Film Next Spring?

Thinking of Rob has done a full translation of the French Premiere interview with RPattz, and we learn that Breaking Dawn could potentially begin filming next spring after Rob finishes working on Bel Ami!

In addition, Rob talks about how others seek to leverage the convergence of Edward Cullen and himself:

Part 3 of Translation

My giggle part? "They'd even let me play a woman I think."

See all magazine scans and full translation at Thinking of Rob.

Swoony New Edward & Bella New Moon Still

Lion & Lamb Love shares a better quality version of the New Edward and Bella still that we saw in French Premiere magazine earlier today.

Teen Vogue's Taylor Cover Feature + Bonus Video!

Teen Vogue shares an interview and tons of photos of Taylor Lautner! In addition, they share a bonus video of the photoshoot.

Here is a snippet of the interview:

Now Taylor lives with his family an hour outside Los Angeles, although the distance does little to dissuade the paparazzi. "There are twelve cars that camp outside my house," he marvels. "You can't ever really get used to it, because it's not normal to have people snapping pictures of everything you do. You just have to try not to let it affect you." Tabloid attention and spurious rumors are the norm for the Twilight cast right now—Taylor and his costars are already hard at work on the third film, Eclipse. And he seems quite capable of taking it all in stride: Asked about his alleged early summer romance with Disney star Selena Gomez, he says, quite unperturbedly, "She's a great girl." Asked whether Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are indeed entangled in a torrid love triangle, he just laughs. "It's crazy," he admits, "but the fans help. They're a big part of the motivation."

As if on cue, a pair of wide-eyed young sisters approach his table, looking ecstatic. "We're all Team Jacob in our house," their mother says. Taylor does have a point when he insists that people are reacting, in part, to the character he plays—these two are each clutching one of author Stephenie Meyer's dictionary-size tomes for him to autograph—but he's also being too humble. The girls are definitely old enough to understand that Taylor is a rising star, not a teen werewolf, and they still look pretty starstruck.

Edited for teenvogue.com. For the complete story pick up the October 2009 issue of Teen Vogue, on newsstands September 8!

Check it all out here.

Putting the Kibosh on Rumors: Tanya is NOT in Eclipse

Lopilato & Michael Buble

Twilight Lexicon confirms that a recent Argentinian website incorrectly reported that Luisana Lopilato was cast in Eclipse as Tanya. In fact, Tanya doesn't appear in Eclipse:
It turns out despite the fact that it’s being reported as fact in various quarters that it’s just plain rumor and nothing more. We confirmed with Summit that Luisana Lopilato in not invovled in Eclipse.
Read more here.

Nikki Reed Doesn't Have a Twitter

Nikki used Peter Facinelli's twitter over the weekend to confirm that she doesn't have a Twitter account.

Priya Soni Shows Her Sexy Legs at Sheesha Sky Lounge Party

Priya Soni

Priya Soni

Priya Soni

Priya Soni

Image Hosted by PicturePush - Photo Sharing Image Hosted by PicturePush - Photo Sharing

Image Hosted by PicturePush - Photo Sharing Image Hosted by PicturePush - Photo Sharing

Renee in VanCity over the Weekend

Twilight-Gossip shares that Sarah Clarke, who plays Bella's mom Renee Dwyer, was in town over the weekend.

French Premiere RPattz Scans: "Waking up one Morning and Suddenly You're a Star"

OiseauSecret has scans of the French Premiere magazine, which features RPattz [via New Moon Movie]

UPDATE: See all scans & entire translation at Thinking of Rob

David Slade TwitPic's Taylor Flipping Out

"Taylor Lautner Pic from set, yes that is him mid backflip. He does it from standing still."

David Slade twitpic'd Taylor!

Thanks, Ang!

Rundown of Last Week's Eclipse Filming

See slideshow of more pics here.

RobPattzNews has been giving great updates from the Eclipse set! She blogs about last week's daily activities and highlights, including what happened on Friday:
Now while some of the cast had left, the day wasn't over for everyone. There was one more location to film at, a nearby park for a quick scene involving Bella and her dad Charlie. We spotted Kristen getting into a car with Billy Burke a little before they shot that scene. and then we saw David Slade working with the crew, as they set up the set. Finally we also spotted some of the extras with their caps and gowns.
Read it all here.

Fan Video: What if Bella Died? *Sob*

*Sob* A fan video that explores Edward's pain if Bella died.

Thanks, AshleyTWA!

And on that bummer note, Happy Monday!

Edi disappointed that Laurent doesn't have a Sparkle Scene in New Moon

Sure is lookin' sunny in Forks!

I came across this post over at TwiFans where Edi apparently said, at the NJ convention, that his one big regret is that he doesn't get to sparkle ... but, seriously, why doesn't he?

I haven't got my copy of New Moon to hand (because I lent it to convert a friend like any good Twilighter) but I'm pretty sure that when Bella finds the meadow again, it's in sunlight... (<-- Turns out, it's NOT sunny in the book scene...)

Sooo, when Laurent appears, why doesn't he sparkle, dammit?!

- Lorabell ;)

UPDATE: G'morning, everybody! What a weekend of news.

Thanks to the readers who clarified that
the weather was mostly cloudy with a side of meatballs on the day that Laurent and Bella met up in the meadow in New Moon.

No wonder Laurent doesn't have a sparkle scene -- because he doesn't have a big sunny moment, even though it appears in the above movie still that there is a little sunlight. I'm guessing that 'sunnyness' will be gone in post-production once the movie comes out -- because if it's not and Laurent doesn't sparkle, that would be totally lameo!


TwiCrack Addict

P.S. You can read more about how Edi is bummed not to have a sparkle scene at MTV.

Jawgasm anyone?


TamaraTwilight - I do not know where this is from but... thank you!

- Lorabell

New HQ Comic Con Pics

Clicky for huge

I know it's random but I think this last picture is weirdly cool

See more at TwiFans

- Lorabell

Why we heart PFach

Clicky for bigger

Enough said :)

Thanks AshleyTWA

- Lorabell

Wait ... Aro is Welsh?!

Michael Sheen on the cover of Swansea Life, which - just FYI - is a town in Wales :)

Check out TwiFans for the inside pages and details on this actor's amazing range - I can't wait to see him as Aro, he is going to KILL it! <-- pun intended ;)

Thanks AshleyTWA

- Lorabell

New Chaske Photo-shoot

Well hellooo! How you doin'?!

See more pics over at TwiGossip

- Lorabell

P.s. If you haven't heard Chaske's voice yet... um, wow!

Official Rob Calendar

I would've made some different picture choices but it's still Roblicious ;) get yours here!

Thanks AshleyTWA

- Lorabell