What's David planning for a New Year's gift?!

David, don't tease us... unless it's an Eclipse teaser trailer!

- Lorabell *fingers, toes, eyes and appendages crossed*

Who else hearts 'staches?

*Click clunk* Bring him in.

Like Kristen *snicker* we can now all be Team Charlie - get yours here!

Via TwiFans

- Lorabell

Finally ;) Kristen's BBC Radio 1 Interview!

At last in full - recorded when she was in town for the UK New Moon event - hands up if you were there?

Via TwiFans

- Lorabell *hands up*

P.s. And just so they're all in one place, because it's hard to keep up:

Eclipse Release Dates - Whoop Whoop!

Argentina 30 June 2010
Brazil 30 June 2010
Egypt 30 June 2010
Kazakhstan 30 June 2010
USA 30 June 2010
Netherlands 1 July 2010
New Zealand 1 July 2010
Finland 2 July 2010
Norway 2 July 2010
Turkey 2 July 2010
UK 9 July 2010
Germany 15 July 2010

According to the IMDB - i.e. details may be subject to change, aka you better make the UK the same as the US *bitch face* - these are the international release dates for Eclipse - eeek!

Now can we have a trailer? Puhleeeease?!

- Lorabell

Kristen behind the scenes of Speak

I heart Speak big time... I heart Oregano a little too *tear*

Via TwiFans

- Lorabell

Swiftner is no more?! :(

But they're so cute together :(

Reliable Gossip Cop reports:

The couple, who met on the set of the movie “Valentine’s Day,” began dating a little more than three months ago, but “it just wasn’t happening,” a Swift source tells Gossip Cop.

The insider added, “They met, they liked each other, went out a few times, but the media made a bigger deal of it than it was because they’re young and attractive.”

And while the two Taylors each jokingly acknowledged their budding relationship when hosting “Saturday Night Live,” it was never a whirlwind romance. The source described it as two young people going on a few (well-documented) dates, but it never materializing into anything more serious.

The break-up, says the insider, was “not big or dramatic,” nor was the romance “contrived,” as an Us Weekly source termed it.

“It just wasn’t happening,” reiterated the source, who said the two stars are still “going to be friends.”

The first confirmation of their actual relationship is the announcement that they've split...if I was a vampire, this would be on of those times where I wouldn't be able to cry.

- Lorabell *sad panda*

P.s. Please vote :D --->

New NM Promo Shot *shudder*

Click for bigger
Woah, I'm kinda glad this wasn't used - Robward looks like vampires do use the bathroom... and really really need to!

Via Thinking of Rob

- Lorabell

Beardy Rob spotted back home...

No, that's not Kristen in a new wig - that's Rob's sister

Mmm, beardy Rob - it's nice to have you home! As much I <3 seeing you, I'm glad you've been foxing the paps ;)

Thanks Lolypop82

- Lorabell

Tweet TCA for Top Twilight Site!

So, here's the deal fellow Twi-hards... we post in our spare time, often until veeery late and night, on top of (or sometimes at our) full time jobs and families because we're Twicrack addicts like you and love love love everything that gives us all a fix until those sparkling moments when we meet/mack-on/marry our fave Twi-cast of choice - it'll happen. Trust!

However, because we post the things other sites don't (i.e. all the leaked vids that get taken down and we have to keep replacing or pics we get lawyer letters about) we're not exactly on the "nice" list...

Although, we heart you all too much and wouldn't change a thing, it would be beyond all manor of schmexy epic win if this blog was voted amongst the top sites and "the man" had to include us for once - mu ah ah ah!

So, please please please - for every leaked teaser we've posted and reposted; for all the schmexy and funny pics we've uploaded; and for every late night past, present and future we try to keep up with all the crack - please tweet @Twilight that @TwiCrackAddict (and the awesomeness that is Twitarded!) is your top Twilight site!

Rob loves you :)

Jackson's proud parents, from Texas to Twilight - & cute high school pics along the way :)

The fact that Jackson's southern twang is authentic makes my heart skip just a little ;) yes ma'am!

Via TwiFans

- Lorabell

Olivia Munn Photo Shoot for Maxim Magazine 2010 January Issue

Olivia Munn and bikini are an explosive combination there's nothing to say about it! Olivia Munn on Maxim's January 2010 edition! Here are the hot & sexy photos of actress Oliva Munn for Maxim's January 2010 Edition! Olivia Munn looks very cute in the Photo Shoot.

Olivia Munn Maxim Magazine
Olivia Munn Maxim Magazine
Olivia Munn Maxim Magazine
Olivia Munn Maxim Magazine

Glam Greene Outttakes

A gorgeous new shot and some better takes from Ashley's Revue de Modes shoot, posted back in October - someone needs to photoshop that first one in with a pillow-clutching Rob VF shot ... just coz ;)

Via Lion & Lamb Love

- Lorabell

New/Old Rachelle Modelling - "Canadian" Apparel?

Looking gorgeous as always, Rachelle - we heart you - Victoria's sequence in New Moon is killer!

Thanks Emily :)

- Lorabell

Deleted NM Scenes?


Supposedly when Edward brings Bella home from Italy!

I'm definitely getting a very "I don't want you to step one foot inside my door" vibe from Charlie...

What else can we look forward to? Come on DVD extras!

Via RobPattzNews

- Lorabell

Twitastic monthly crack for the new year...

Epic thanks to the awesome Novel Novice where you can get these in 1680 x 1050 and 1024 x 768

- Lorabell

New Eclipse Actors Added...

LunaNuevaMeyer noticed on Eclipse's IMDB page that three new minor characters are listed...

Monique Ganderto - "beautiful Vampiress" - one of Victoria's army maybe?

Ben Geldreich - "John" - vampire or human? Maybe even one of Jasper's soldiers... but when are we going to see Peter?
Update: RenezzmeeKarlie gets 10 sparkling dazzle points for remembering that John is one of Royce's friends *claps*

Justin Rain - "Quileute warrior" - maybe from a camp-fire legend flash-back?!

I can not wait for a teaser trailer already - eeek!!!

- Lorabell

Shradha Sharma Hot Cleavage Show at Miss Mumbai Varuna Birthday Bash

Shradha Sharma

Shradha Sharma

Shradha Sharma Image Hosted by PicturePush - Photo Sharing

Image Hosted by PicturePush - Photo Sharing Image Hosted by PicturePush - Photo Sharing

When's will we see an Eclipse trailer?!

Well, if David doesn't know... come on, Sumit :/ let's bring in the New Year on an Eclipse note?

Anyone know of any awards ceremonies they might be waiting to premiere it at?!

- Lorabell *fingers crossed*

P.s. A while ago I posted a great fan-trailer set to Florence + the machine's "Cosmic Love" - if anyone has time to make an Eclipse one set to Florence's "Howl" then I might heart you for a very long time :)

Happy Holidays from PFach...

Everyone's favourite compassionate vampire Tweet his daughter's Santa-cam - we all know what a great Dad Peter is and obviously he's especially dazzling around the holidays :)

- Lorabell - I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas xxx


The Goddess who brings up all together - you, Rob, me, Rob, Kristen, Taylor and Rob - celebrates her birthday today!

Wishing you the happiest of days, Stephie :)

- Lorabell

Anyone else developing a girl-crush on Anna?

She's looking so gorgeous in these pics from Purple Magazine and was recently nominated for a Golden Globe (which Kristen text her to congratulate) and a SAG award but so many others that I can't even start to list them all.

Via Anna Kendrick Fan

- Lorabell

Desi Models at Horror movie The Lucky 13th Launch Party

Desi Models

Desi Models

Desi Models

Image Hosted by PicturePush - Photo Sharing Image Hosted by PicturePush - Photo Sharing

Image Hosted by PicturePush - Photo Sharing Image Hosted by PicturePush - Photo Sharing