New Eclipse Still & Early Screening Reactions!

Update: Click for HQ -

Oh my - keep tugging at that shirt, Bella - he sparkles!!!

Aaaand, some lucky peeps were treated to a rough cut of Eclipse when they went to see the Oprah show - here are some Tweet reactions:

@Courtneex3 OH MY GOD!!!! Eclipse was absolutely AMAZING. Better than both New Moon &
Twilight! Holyy crap

@JustSoJazzyDiva yes there was a lot of romance btwn
B&E. Theyvleft nothing out!!!

@TwiFans there was
good music actually can't wait for the CD to come out.

@JustSoJazzyDiva yes there was a lot of Edward & Bella. They didn't miss a thing
you're gonna be blown away for sure.

@JustSoJazzyDiva best movie by far! Awesome fight scenes!!! pretty much everything in!!

@JustSoJazzyDiva [Alice and Jasper] have waaay more screen time!! U even get to see them
interact more w/ each other!

@TrendingJB Just saw Eclipse!! AMAZING movie. That's ALL I'm saying.

@CristalVaca Just watched Eclipse, it was f***ing incredible.

@Nicolediscogrll I just saw Eclipse. Oh my god. Best movie I have ever see. The fight
scenes the love scenes oh my god.

@Nicolediscogrll will NOT be disappointed and the love sceenes are f'ng HOT.
Turned me on a little.

@JustSoJazzyDiva yes he's totally on the horse it was great!!! (Talking about Jasper)

@JustSoJazzyDiva@TwiFans it was
about 2hrs but felt longer b/c it was soooo good


My friend who just saw the Oprah Eclipse screening just put this on her FB: "Ok guys the eclipse movie surpassed the other two movies by far
it was AWESOME! You are going to love love love it"

@TwilightLexicon: Film wasn't fully finished but it was still very good! It's my favorite of the three so far. Job well done all around!

Thanks Hannah via TwiFans
