*Spoiler Alert* Eclipse Sneak Peek Screen Caps Deets!


Being dropped off before the campfire, Bella? Hope Edward's not getting too jealous!

Hold her tight on the run to the campsite, Jake ;)

Bella, please tell me that hat was just for rehearsals :/

Keep your paws to yourself, pup!

This is why I'm no good at avoiding spoilers - I looooooove spotting things like this! I will re-read books and re-watch movies until I know every detail...

Obsessive Cullen Disorder? Nah...

Keeping these coming via TwiFans

- Lorabell

Update: Oooh, more via TwiFans - these took ages to upload so effing enjoy!

Awww, Leah-no-mates at the campfire...

Ouch - while Sam and Emily are all smiley...

Bitter much?

Clenched jaw, Jacob - he's mad about something!

Not sure where this is from... training or campfire?

Bad dreams or just guilt trips? How romantic *sigh*

When did it get so sunny in Forks? Since spending quality time with Jacob, that's when!

It's a shame those La Push boys can't afford bigger t-shirts ;)

Dissed and dismissed? Nice biceps though - nom!

Wow... awkward!

Writing out announcements in Bella's room to save creating a whole other set at Angela's house?

Proud parents (again!) at Graduation? See, caramel waves, Esme!

Edward's looking delightfully casual here - going camping perhaps? (I really want Bella's shirt btw.)

Is that the same shirt from the leg hitch scene?! Someone's about to be kidnapped!

Is that a bed post I spy? That's right, you smile that crooked smile, Edward!

Human Riley...

Ru ro, here comes (entirely new) Victoria!

Not quite so human Riley...

Rawr, vampire Riley!

What the HALE is Bella wearing to look so... full? Seriously, I could be here double there! Wonder if she's padded for stunts - oooh!

Suddenly less padded... and on the set of StarWars - Rosalie is looking very Abudala or whoever :/

Oooh, action Ken and Barbie!

This is PFach's serious face. Can. Not. Wait. to see Jacksper in action!

Oooh, what's Alice concentrating on?!

*sad panda*

That is one freaky looking new born *shudder*

OK, so this really does look like a "Volturi" Edward - red eyes, random suit, potential pendant - a less frolicky Alice vision?

Dun dun duuun! Jane's here and she ain't messing - this may hurt just a little.