Pre-Order Remember Me on DVD!

Update: I'm topping this post because I finally got to see this movie yesterday... I'd avoided spoilers as much as I can but, I gotta say, I was not prepared for that ending.
I understand the sudden twist adds to the message of the movie and gives greater meaning to the story but, having lived in NY for 5 years, I could've used some form of warning.
I thought all of the performances were great, the production was well done but I'm really surprised they didn't have to show some sort of "this film contains scenes of a particular nature" etc. It makes me worry that Summit are taking advantage of "the Rob factor" without considering the sensibilities of the audience, which may take away from the complete result... just me?!
Aaand... *end rant* :)

Now available to pre-order from Amazon on DVD and Blu-Ray!

Lol, it's not even been released in the UK yet :D

- Lorabell