I Spy A ReShoot...

Ok, so I can't actually post the pics because Punk'D Images get all *finicky about that (even though we always link back so you can click through to them, which is what they want) so to see shots of which scenes are currently in reshoot over in VC see HERE and HERE... even though they totes don't deserve you over on their site ;)

I'll replace with actual photos as soon as they're available!

- Lorabell

*10 sparkles points for naming the "finicky" related FanFic in the comments?

A Note to Fans From Bill Condon

Greetings Twihards, Twifans, Twilight Moms, Team Edward, Team Jacob and Team Switzerland,

I just want to say hello to all of you and let you know that I'm stoked to be getting underway on the adventure of making BREAKING DAWN. As you've probably heard, I've been given a very warm welcome by Stephenie and Team Summit - who are super-focused, as you know, on getting these movies right.

I'm pretty busy bringing myself up to speed on what you already know by heart: I've read BREAKING DAWN twice, rewatched Catherine's and Chris's movies 2-3 times each, have all four CDs playing in my car, and have Catherine's notebook, Mark Cotta Vaz's companion books, and even Volume 1 of the graphic novel here on my desk - a corner of my office is starting to look like Hot Topic. I realize that this barely qualifies me for "newborn" status in the universe you've been living inside for a few years now, but a guy's gotta start somewhere.

Like many of you, I've always been slightly obsessed with vampires, dating back to the prime-time series DARK SHADOWS, which I followed avidly as a kid. But that alone hadn't been enough to get me interested in making a vampire movie, even though my early screenwriting and directing efforts grew out of a great love for horror movies and thrillers. Since making GODS AND MONSTERS thirteen years ago, however, I've been yearning for a return to a story with Gothic overtones.

The wonderful world that Stephenie has created has obviously struck a chord with you, and I don't think it's difficult to see why. For me, her characters are simultaneously timeless, yet very modern. Rooted in a beautiful, real landscape with a great sense of place, Bella, Edward, Jacob, and the rest of the Forks/La Push menagerie, experience emotions that are primal, and universal: desire, despair, jealousy - and it all comes to fruition in BREAKING DAWN. This is a final chapter in the best sense; not just wide in scope and scale, but emotionally charged and intense throughout.

I'm a huge admirer of the already-iconic Kristen, Robert, and Taylor, and wanted to be the one to work with them as they face the challenges of bringing your beloved characters to the end of their journeys. Really, what could be more fun than that?

Please feel free to ask questions in the comments section below, and I'll do my best to answer them. I hope that this will be the first of many occasions I'll get to check in with you as we set to work bringing BREAKING DAWN to the screen. I am excited and grateful to have all of you alongside me for my TWILIGHT journey.

All best,

Bill Condon

P.S. Answer #1: No, there won't be any musical numbers

I think I kinda like this guy :)

- Lorabell

Official Eclipse Still Released...

Click before Charlie walks in ;)

In case you've not seen it before, this is the new Eclipse still now officially released.

How white is Edward's arm hair?! Woah O_o


- Lorabell :)

New/Old KStew Pic - Into The Wild Cast Shoot

Click for bigger

Aw, is Stew crushing a lil on Emile? Cuuute!

Btw, this film is really, really, really good - I actually just finished reading the book *hearts*

- Lorabell

New KStew Shot That Just About Died Me!

Click for bigger

Um... for serious *thud*

Apparently from the pending Elle UK shoot *bouncy bouncy bouncy*

- Lorabell :D

Desi Hottie at Cinemax Marathi Film Festival closing Ceremony

LA Times Interviews Cullen Clan...

Speed post:

"The whole family is in a vulnerable position because of the love we have for Bella," said Elizabeth Reaser, who plays matriarch Esme Cullen. "If she's not OK, we're not OK."

It also brings us to the past, where we were introduced to the Cullens and their special talents. We even got a glimpse at their professional baseball playing, but in
Eclipse delves deeper into what really makes the clan something special.

"This time around, you get to see their true vampire-ness," said Peter Facinelli, who plays head vampire Dr. Carlisle Cullen in the series based on the bestselling books by Stephenie Meyer.

So what we can expect from this family of vampires in this third installment?


"For me, as Carlisle, it's an exciting portion of the series. Carlisle is very compassionate and he has a lot of killing to do in this movie. I joke, after he kills the bad guys, he says he's sorry in his head. And, you know, he's calm and level-headed. He's the rock of the family. He usually has a lot of information to draw from because Alice can see into the future and Edward can read minds. In this third movie, he's not getting that information. Neither one of his sources are working, so he's kind of flying blind."


"Esme is still a vampire. She still wants to kill people all day long. It was interesting to get in touch with the vampire side of her in ways that haven't really been explored. Her family is in danger and that brings out the mama bear in her.

Ashley Greene (as Alice Cullen
): "Yeah, she's delicate and prissy at times, but Alice gets a little edgier with each installment. And with these vampires messing with her family and the people she loves, you're going to see a bit of her toughness. It's a reminder to the audience that even though we restrain ourselves at times, we're still vampires and we're dangerous. You're going to see the dark, dangerous side of Alice."

Kellan Lutz
(as Emmett Cullen): "You're going to see a smile on Emmett's face from start to finish. He just loves to fight. And there's a lot of fighting. He sort of plays bigger in this one than the others."

Jackson Rathbone
(as Jasper Hale): "You'll get to see a little bit of the root of what makes Jasper so withdrawn and quiet in the Cullen family. Fans will get some of Jasper's back story in
‘Eclipse.' I got to wear the whole Civil War gear and everything. There's a bit of the softer and darker side of Jasper in this film."

Nikki Reed
(as Rosalie Hale): "You see a reason for her attitude. I think fans will feel for her. There was a bit of that in ‘New Moon.' Fans got to see a bit of her sensitive side. Her sane side. Her logical side. And her desire to help her family. This time around, she is much more of a participant. She's a survivor. This is her family. So if protecting Bella means protecting her family, she's going to do it."

Robert Pattinson
(as Edward Cullen): Snagging a phone interview with the brooding dreamboat — who was overseas shooting his latest film, "Bel Ami" — proved difficult. So what can we expect from the lovesick Edward? He promises to love Bella "every moment of forever," as the trailer reveals. He's still hesitant about her becoming a vampire. He's determined to protect her from Victoria. And he's vying with Jacob for her affections. Oh, the life of an antique teenage vampire.
Read the article in full at the LA Times

The Beanie Takes The Couve.

Speed post:

Kill me with that crooked smile why don't ya!

See more pics of Rob out and about in VC at PopSugar

New KStew PhotoShoot & Magazine Cover

Click for wow...

Where in the HALE did this come from? Looks like a new shoot for Brazilian Gloss magazine - can't wait to see the full spread :)

- Lorabell

Pre-Order The Runaways DVD :)

Whoop whoop - The Runaways DVD is now available to pre-order on Amazon ... for those of us who live in countries where the movie hasn't been released yet *cough*ENGLAND*cough* ;)

- Lorabell

Eclipse Ladies of Vanity Fair Shoot!

Speed post:

Apparently we can look forward to a Vanity Fair shoot featuring the Eclipse ladies - loooove VF shoots - this should be awesome!


Jenni Farley In Tube Top Bikini

Would You Go To This Party?!

Eclipse party stuff? Just try and stop me from using these at the movie theater for my cupcakes and "soda" ;)

Loving the fire and ice colour theme!

Via ROBsessedBlog

- Lorabell

Rob Flys to The Couve for Eclipse ReShoots...

Click if you puffy heart the puffy jacket!

Don't try and tell me that guitar case isn't stocked full of Hot Pockets!

See more at PopSugar

- Lorabell

Maybe My Fave Sparkles Pic Ever...

Click for... just... yeah!

Finally! This is maybe the nommest pic from the saddest post that ever was - deeelightful :)

- Lorabell

Bill Condon Confirmed Director for Breaking Dawn - DUN DUN DUUUN!

Los Angeles, CA April 28, 2010 – Summit Entertainment has confirmed that Academy Award® winner Bill Condon will direct THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN, based on the fourth novel in author Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series. THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN, is currently being written by Melissa Rosenberg, and will star Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner. Wyck Godfrey, Karen Rosenfelt, and Stephenie Meyer will produce the project.

"Bringing Stephenie Meyer’s BREAKING DAWN to the screen requires a graceful and intelligent hand and we believe Bill Condon is exactly the right steward, having shown equal and abundant talents of immense creativity and subtle sensitivity,” said Erik Feig, President of Production and Acquisitions, for Summit Entertainment.

Added author Stephenie Meyer, “I’m so thrilled that Bill wants to work with us. I think he’s going to be a great fit, and I’m excited to see what he does with the material.”

“I’m very excited to get the chance to bring the climax of this saga to life on-screen. As fans of the series know, this is a one-of-a-kind book – and we’re hoping to create an equally unique cinematic experience,” said Bill Condon.

THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN illuminates the secrets and mysteries of this spellbinding romantic epic that has entranced millions.

Condon is well known for writing and directing DREAMGIRLS, KINSEY, and GODS AND MONSTERS, for which he won the Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay in 1999. He was nominated for a second Oscar for his screenplay for the movie musical CHICAGO in 2003. Most recently the multi-hyphenate directed the pilot episode for the Showtime series “The Big C” and produced the 81st Annual Academy Awards telecast, hosted by Hugh Jackman.

I think it's time for a LettersToTwilight drama button!

TwilightMoonlighter - thanks Angela, Coral, Nataly and Sharon!

- Lorabell

Kellan Joins Twitter!

Speed post:

It's official - follow @KellanLutz :)

Stewy Spotted Heading for Re-Shoots?

Click for bigger

PopSugar have pics of the Stew heading out of LAX, likely to Vancouver for Eclipse re-shoots... looks like she had to go through the body scanner twice *snort* what metal could someone so tiny possibly be concealing?

- Lorabell

P.s. I so want her to be wearing the random yellow sneakers to go with those shades!

New/Old Rob Hair Modeling Pics - The Beast Can Be Tamed!

My hair's so damned good I just gotta grip this rope and pop my collar!

Rob, to the front... No, your other front...

Classic find via ROBsessed

- Lorabell

International Eclipse Release Dates...

UK release better be brought up or I'm going to be channeling Victoria - just sayin' ;)

Argentina June 30th, 2010
Belgium June 30th, 2010
Brazil June 30th, 2010
Canada June 30th, 2010
Chile June 30th, 2010
Denmark June 30th, 2010
Egypt June 30th, 2010
Finland June 30th, 2010
Italy June 30th, 2010
Israel June 30th, 2010
Kazakhstan June 30th, 2010
Mexico June 30th, 2010
Netherlands June 30th, 2010
Norway June 30th, 2010
Portugal June 30th, 2010
South Korea June 30th, 2010
Sweden June 30th, 2010
USA June 30th, 2010
Australia July 1st, 2010
New Zealand July 1st, 2010
Singapore July 1st, 2010
Slovakia July 1st, 2010
Iceland July 2nd, 2010
Turkey July 2nd, 2010
France July 7th, 2010
Estonia July 9th, 2010
Lithuania July 9th, 2010 (Vilnius)
UK July 9th, 2010
Germany July 15th, 2010

Sucks to be you, Germany :(

- Lorabell * TA DA!*

New Eclipse Shot - Vampire Army On The Move!

Click for bigger


KStew's Bollywood Movie Debut - aaaand my mind is blown!

Update: Dang, the rumour got nixed by GossipCop:

Is Bella going Bollywood?Reports everywhere today claimTwilight star Kristen Stewartplans to take India by storm as the love interest in an upcoming Bollywood movie called Paani.
Supposedly, director Shekhar Kapur offered Stewart the role and the actress “gave the green signal.”
In the film, according to widespread rumors, Hrithik Roshan and Stewart play star-crossed lovers in what a so-called “source” refers to as a “Romeo and Juliet story.”
But don’t expect to see Stewart on set when cameras begin to roll.Her supposed Bollywood star turn is 100% made up.Stewart’s rep tells Gossip Cop, “She is not set to star in this movie.”

LOOOVE this - according to AceHollywood:

Kristen Stewart to Make Bollywood Debut With 'Paani'
In the film which story will resemble 'Romeo and Juliet', the American actress will play the lover of Indian actor Hrithik Roshan. After claiming fame in Hollywood, Kristen Stewart is set to invade movie industry in another country. The "Twilight" beauty is set to star in Bollywood movie titled "Paani", The Times of India has reported.

Stewart is reported to have been offered a role as wealthy girl by director Shekhar Kapur and she surprisingly "gave the green signal, provided the terms and conditions are met." In the film, which will be made in English, she will be seen romancing Indian actor Hrithik Roshan.

Roshan's character reportedly will fall in love with Stewart's and they end up becoming star-crossed lovers. A source additionally dishes on the idea of the film, saying it is "a sort of a Romeo and Juliet story."

Shekhar himself refused to talk much about the film until everything is finalized, claiming "I can't speak of the cast on record until everything is in place. Too many times I've been accused of talking about projects that never happen." But he assures that "Paani" will start this year.

Kristen Stewart is currently waiting for the release of "The Twilight Saga's Eclipse" in which she once again stars opposite Robert Pattinson. She is expected to reprise her role as Bella Swan in the latest installment, "The Twilight Saga's Breaking Dawn".

I think this is the guy she's cast opposite - just click. Trust.

P.s. Apparently "Paani" means "Water" :)

Kellan's VMan Magazine Cover

Click for coy


As McDimply and sparkley as Kellan is here (as always) I'm not digging the stlying - can't wait to see the rest of the spread ;)

- Lorabell

Bid on Kristen Customized Coach Bag

As part of the Coach store launch in China, celebrities customized bags to auction on behalf of the Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation.

Kristen customized this tote, which is available to bid HERE until May 13th...


- Lorabell

Eclipse Ice-cream Promo Close-up

Click for blurry...

A closer shot of the ice-cream ad from before - loving Bella's shirt and how mahoosive does Jacob's arm look?

If you look carefully you can see she's wearing her wolf bracelet instead of the turquoise one - eeek!

- Lorabell

Crazy Beautiful New Ashley Shoot

Ashley is notching up serious girl-crush points here - it's just unfair for someone to look so good!

- Lorabell