Rob in Joy Magazine & writing songs for Eclipse?!

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Le sigh...

Mexico's* Joy Magazine interviewed Rob - where it seems to me that he's having a bit of a dig at journalists... just me?

However, he also says:

Speaking of passion and music, we know you write songs. What can you share about it?

I’m trying to write some songs for the next movie. I don’t know if it will be possible because of my schedule, but I want to do it. Music is the other side of me, it’s one of the things that complete me and I wouldn’t want to leave it aside for anything in the world. I have the intention of evolving in that aspect. It’s something I want to develop just as much as acting. I want to have a balance between those two things.

Exsqueeze me? More Rob music?! Just... kill me now! *dies*

For the full interview, go over to Twilight Poison who also translated it!

- Lorabell :D

P.s. Is that a shark tooth necklace?!

*Thanks HisHypnoticEyes for correcting me ;) that's what I get for posting at 3am!