KStew's new role - from mullet to buzz-cut?

Gossip Cop have confirmed Kristen's new role joins the Marines:

There’s been a lot of Internet buzz that Kristen Stewart will join the buzz-cut ranks for a movie titled, “An American Girl,” in which she would play a Marine.

So is this real or just another Stewart rumor? Gossip Cop can now confirm, via her rep, that it is TRUE!

“An American Girl,” to be directed by James Woods, is about a woman who after high school finds herself wasting her life drinking and drugging in a small town in Indiana. During one particular night of boozing, she has sex with a guy in a quarry. “She gets taped doing it on somebody’s phone and in a small town,” says Woods, “her reputation is ruined and on a drunken whim, she joins the Marines.”

Stewart’s character sobers up, learns a number of important life lessons as a Marine, and even returns to her hometown, where she rebuilds her life.

Woods, who didn’t want anyone else but Stewart for the lead role, adds, “It’s a phenomenal story and a slam-dunk Oscar for her.” <-- Wait - WHAT?!

Not only is Woods excited about Stewart starring, but her rep told Gossip Cop exclusively, “It is a project that she loves.” 

- Lorabell