Do NOT mess with RPattz fans - I'm looking at you RevEnt!

EPIC UPDATE: Thanks to GossipCop -

OK, “Twilight” fans. We heard you – loud and clear.

Tips poured into Gossip Cop headquarters about “Robsessed,” an allegedly “all-access” DVD about the life of Robert Pattinson.

Many supporters of – who Tweets as @ROBsessedBlog – brought to our attention the site’s claim that Revolver Entertainment, the company behind the DVD, had lifted material from their site to market the unauthorized DVD.

Our friends, hard-working bloggers and dedicated RPattz fans over at ROBsessed are being ripped off!

It was lousy when the name was being used but there is no way in Hale that lying about content is OK:

ROBsessed DVD and Revolver Entertainment Stealing OUR Content


A couple of days ago from Revolver Entertainment contacted us to ask if we wanted to partner with them. We have not replied to them since we had no intention of associating with a DVD that's sole purpose was to make money off Robert Pattinson's back. It's an unauthorized DVD that is just trying to cash in on Rob's fame.

Now they are copying our blog WORD FOR WORD at their website. We are not disclosing their website address since the only reason they have gone to such low measures as stealing our content is because they are trying to go up in google rank and promote their crappy DVD. Please do not go to their website out of curiosity since that is what they want and are doing this anyways. Here is a snapshot of their theft:

Revolver Entertainment believes there is no bad press so let's show them THERE IS.

They are copy-pasting our content directly, using our picture server and are claiming WE are blogging for THEM which is another lie.

Please boycott the ROBsessed DVD and contact Revolver Entertainment at to support us.

- Lorabell *writing angry emails*

Update: RevEnt are also helping themselves to Rob Pattinson Life and Loving Rob - GRRR!