New Taylor Pic - he looks hot in clothes too?!

Click for Grrr!Who knew?! ;)

You can barely see any skin and he still finds a way to flex those muscles - yum!

From Luna Teen via TwiFans

- Lorabell

While KStew and Taylor fly South...

Arriving in Sao Paulo, Brazil where apparently the crowds were crazy :(

Kristen and Taylor even waited over an hour in hopes that things would calm down - there is a video but I don't think I want to watch it and am reluctant to post...

Via TwiFans

- Lorabell

Rob flys east for Winter NM promo in Japan

I'd put money on that tee being the one from the Vanity Fair cover - just sayin' ;)

Thanks Lynda

Via Robert Pattinson Soucre

- Lorabell

It's a very Happy Halloween with Rob on the cover of Vanity Fair!

Click for bedroom eyes
Thanks Heidi and RPattzLover

Via ROBsessed

- Lorabell


Movie Trailers - Movies Blog

So apparently I went to sleep at precisely the wrong moment yesterday because shortly after this gem was revealed!

I know some peeps are over all the spoilers but, just in case you're not... eeek!

Thanks Maddie

Via HisGoldenEyes

- Lorabell

P.s. If it's not letting you play because of region blurb then download Hot Spot Shield to block your IP ;)

Holy Hawtness - New Schmexy Rob Pics!

Further update: Mmm :)

Update: I just found this one over at Lion_Lamb and Thinking of Rob- I can't wait to see the proper versions of these... of course, they might kill me!

Please please please let there be a video of this!

That is a corn on the cob, people ;)

Click if you can handle the heat
Gah... so ... jawesome!
Mr Cullen, sir... you BB!

From an upcoming edition of Vanity Fair, which we'll all be buying!

Via RPLife

- Lorabell *THUD*

NM Toys R Us Store NYC

Check out We Are The Trinty for more pics from inside Time Square's Toys 'R' Us New Moon store.

Just look at all that swag - as well as Bella and Jacob's bikes used in the movie and the Volturi thrones - eeek!

Apparently, this was the originally released location as the NY location for the cast tour but was then deleted? Hmmm...

- Lorabell

KStew, Tay & RPattz out in studio city...

Update: Apparently Rob was there too - head over to TwiFans if you wanna see a bagillion photos! Hmmm... good readin'?

I saw knotted tees in a F.C.U.K. window display in London recently!

According to Celebrity Gossip Kristen and Taylor were spotted at a studio in Malibu today where they got to watch a final cut of New Moon ... jealous!

Thanks Raggs

- LB ;)

Rob's Adorkable HTB Audition Video!

How have I not seen this before?!

Via Thinking Of Rob

- Lorabell *hearts*

Friday Fnar Xavier Style!

Let me get that for you...

David Tweet "In celebration of wrap first Eclipse cast photo Xavier Samuels between set ups as Riley Biers" ... who knew Riley had a last name?!

Thanks Raggs ;)

- Lorabell

I wasn't going to post these, but...

Click for bigger

...look - so smiley arriving back in LA!

Via Robert and Kristen

- Lorabell :)

Well lookie what I spotted on my way home...

Click for bigger

At Tottenham Court Road tube station (which isn't even my usual route) I stepped off the train and found these!

I heard someone say "Woah my Gah!" ...and then realized it was me - it just makes the release date that much closer :D

- Lorabell *wheeeeeee*

New KStew & Taylor Interview?

France's September/October "Zoom Star" magazine has a new interview with Kristen and Taylor - enjoy:

Kristen Stewart

Kristen, how was the filming of New Moon?
Very different from the first time! In Twilight you were supposed to see the emerging love from Bella to Edward. Here’s it’s the complete opposite because Edward is almost not there the entire time. It’s very interesting to me because I can get into another side of the character.

What changes in Bella in this second episode?
It’s the complete drama. Edward leaves her with little explanation. She doesn’t understand why they are separating. She’s in a terrible state and starts questioning her own life. Plus, she starts using Jacob who is trying to console her. The love triangle between Edward, Jacob and Bella is something very interesting to play.
We had lots of fun on the set because we’ve managed to keep the same mood.

In New Moon, Bella gets closer to Jacob. What do you think of Taylor’s evolution?
It’s completely hallucinating. It was hard to recognize him as the same guy who walked in the first day of the filming of Twilight. It was crazy to see all his energy and hunger to win. It wasn’t certain that he would come back for this movie and still he found it necessary to keep in shape.

Even if you’ve played different roles before Twilight, this is when you became a star. How are you living this new status?

I don’t care about becoming a star. This doesn’t mean I hate it if I’m recognized on the streets, of course. But it’s real pleasure for me to act. Is what interests me in life: giving life to fictional characters. And no one can tell me that it’s an easy job. I get up every morning at 6 AM with dozens of hours of filming ahead. It’s really hard. But beyond the celebrity, what touches me deeply is the feeling that we give to the public. I share with all my fans a really intense relationship, is almost stronger than love.

People say you have a relationship woth Robert Pattinson. Is this true?
Oh no not again this question! (laughs) I know everyone wishes we were together right now. But we’re not. We’re just friends, that’s all. Many girls persue Rob and they are very jealous. But no, I’m not going out with him. (<-- ?!)

Taylor Lautner

Can you tell us about Jacob and his personality that is a bit schizophrenic?
In the fist movie we really don’t get why Jacob doesn’t like Edward. Everybody thinks he’s just jealous, when in reality, he’s part of the Quileute tribe who have a very special power: they transform into werewolves. And he transforms into a very aggresive werewolf. He bursts into his wild side in this second installment and shows that he can be very violent. It’s a great role to play because he has so many different expressions.

In this second movie your character takes on a different layer. Yet there were rumors starting. Did you have to fight for this role?

Frankly, I had no idea it would be this hard! I knew I had to gain muscle mass. So when I finished Twilight I srtarted working out. I followed the advice of a specialist coach. I had to gain weight and volume, and lose the puny side from the first movie. I really did sweat. But the result is that I have at least gained more than 15 kg of muscle. My friends can’t recognize me. This is very important for my character.
And eventhough Bella is torn and still in love with Edward, she is very attracted to Jacob. When I read the books, I was sad for Jacob; he can never get what he wants. I really understand what he feels.

You met real Indians Quileute?
Yes, that’s part of my job! I met the members of the Quileute tribe during filming. It was really amazing because they are very close in real life to what they are in the film. I mean, they do not transform themselves into werewolves (laughs)
They just do not need to talk a lot to understand. it’s really intense. If, for example, the bin is full, they empty it. I spent a lot of time with them, discussing their worldview and cosmology. It is really interesting. I really hope the film will help them know I made many friends among them.
I’m seeing them again to continue our discussions. It was very informative.

How has Twilight changed your life?
People recognize me on the street (laughs). No, what really is funny is to see the change between the two films and public’s reaction, first dan, I was ugly, and now I am a little less. In the first I was ugly, in this I’m a little less ugly. And more girls look at me, that’s very cool!

Via TwilightPoison who also have the magazine scans... if anyone knows whether this interview is recycled please let me know, but so far it's being billed as new!

- Lorabell

Cast Tour: Instructions & Who's Going To Be Where!

Hot Topic have now updated their site to include special instructions for what you'll need to do per location to qualify for wrist bands, which you'll need for chance of entry.

Nordstrom have released the following information on what cast will be at which location so far:
November 5 at 5:00 p.m.- Topanga (Canoga Park, CA) Alex Meraz “Paul”, Chaske Spencer “Sam Uley”, Bronson Pelletier “Jared” and Kiowa Gordon “Embry”

November 8 at 4:30 p.m.- Park Meadows (Lone Tree, CO) Alex Meraz “Paul” and Kiowa Gordon “Embry”

November 9 at 4:30 p.m.- Stonestown Galleria (San Francisco, CA) Ashley Greene “Alice” and Kellan Lutz “Emmett”

November 10 at 4:30 p.m.- The Galleria (Houston, TX) Alex Meraz “Paul” and Kiowa Gordon “Embry”

November 10 at 4:30 p.m.- Cherry Hill Mall (Cherry Hill, NJ) Charlie Bewley “Demetri” and Daniel Cudmore “Felix”

November 11 at 4:30 p.m.- Mall of America (Bloomington, MN) Edi Gathegi “Laurent” and Jamie Campbell Bower “Caius”

November 11 at 3:45 p.m.- Aventura Mall (Aventura, FL) Alex Meraz “Paul” and Kiowa Gordon “Embry”

November 12 at 4:30 p.m.- Natick Collection (Natick, MA) Ashley Greene “Alice” and Kellan Lutz “Emmett”

November 12 at 4:00 p.m.- Perimeter Mall (Atlanta, GA) Edi Gathegi “Laurent” and Jamie Campbell Bower “Caius”

November 12 at 4:30 p.m.- Southcenter (Tukwila, WA) Charlie Bewley “Demetri” and Daniel Cudmore “Felix”

November 13 at 4:30 p.m.- Scottsdale Fashion Square (Phoenix, AZ) Charlie Bewley “Demetri” and Daniel Cudmore “Felix”

November 14 at 4:30 p.m.- Fashion Place (Murray, UT) Edi Gathegi “Laurent” and Jamie Campbell Bower “Caius”

Via Eyes of Amber and the Lex

- Lorabell

Don't you just wanna pinch Emmett's cheek?!

Brotherly love or Bromance? You decide ;)

Another New Moon still and a lil lovin' for all you Kellan fans ;)

Via TwiFans

- Lorabell

RPattz Cross-Stitch Pattern... which kinda reminds me of Homer Simpson :/

Someone please make this!

From The Guardian

Thanks Chris

- Lorabell

Signed Twilight Saga Books Charity Auction!

The non-profit organization Invisible Children, which is working to end the war in northern Uganda (the longest-running war in Africa) as well as improve the schools there, is auctioning off a set of signed Twilight books in support of their cause.

The auction will take place over the next 10 days and all proceeds go to the organizations Schools for Schools program. They also hint that they will have more goodies to give out when New Moon hits theaters.
Learn more over Invisible Children to bid on a great prize for a similarly great cause!

Thanks Kismet :)

- Lorabell

RPattz lands in LAX

There's our boy :)
*fingers crossed* come on Heathrow connection!

Via RadarOnline

- Lorabell

Sims Style New Moon Trailer

Wow - this is almost as impressive as Lego Eddie Izzard ... and a lil' creepy - just me?

Via TwiFans

Thanks LolyPop82

- Lorabell

Awww - Swiftner date night?


Your car should not be this hawt, if you're not legal in Georgia - Yowza!

Via TwiFans

Thanks LolyPop82, Gina and Raggs :)

- Lorabell


CLICK FOR MAHOOOSIVE!And this is now my wallpaper :D

Click RobPattinsonSource for even MAHOOSIVER!

Thanks LolyPop82 :D

- Lorabell

RPattz & KStew fly out of the Couve as Eclipse wraps

Click for biggish

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! How've you been? Wow, it's been ages! Yeah, I'm good, ya know - blogging hard - the usual... What? Oh, you have a plane to catch, sure. No, no, it's fine - hopefully I'll see you soon, yea... Oh........ bye!

Via RadarOnline

Thanks LolyPop82

- Lorabell

P.s. In case you missed it (which I did) David Tweet Eclipse is officially wrapped!

Hot Desi Tollywood Babe Meenakshi

Image Hosted by PicturePush - Photo Sharing Image Hosted by PicturePush - Photo Sharing

Wait - you can get Jacksper pillow cases?!

Along with this mini-vid of some of the Twi-cast talking New Moon, MTV have an interview with Jacksper who talks Twi-cast, New Moon's Volturi, Eclipse's back-story and... merch!

MTV: Out of the new characters joining the franchise for “New Moon,” which is your favorite?

Jackson Rathbone: My favorite character in “New Moon” that wasn’t in “Twilight”? I guess my favorite character in “New Moon” is a collective — the Volturi. It’s one of those things that’s really nice to see, these decadent older vampires that run this vampire society, if you will. I think they’re an amazing group of actors that we were able to get for the film, and they are very scary and intimidating. They’re all perfect — I mean, Dakota Fanning is a terrifying Jane; absolutely terrifying.

MTV: You guys have all spent so much time together over the last few years. When the cameras stop rolling on set, what do you guys talk about?

Rathbone: Between takes? We just kinda talk about regular things, you know. We’re all normal people — we’re not vampires in real life. Between takes, we’re talking about music we like or what we plan to do once the filming is done. I always bring my guitar with me, and my harmonica, and Nikki Reed, Rob and Kristen, and a lot of the cast are very musically inclined. So, a lot of times we’ll just be jamming between takes, to blow off some of the emotional intensity and have a little fun.

MTV: As the “Saga” moves along, do you feel more or less like your character?

Rathbone: More or less like Jasper? You know, I honestly think, it’s more of a Jasper I imagined coming into the first “Twilight.” Mainly because I’m able to show my backstory in “Eclipse,” where people get to see what really drives Jasper in “Twilight,” which you don’t really understand. This character, he’s always in pain, and [people ask], “Why?” and, “What is his reasoning?” He’s had a really dark past, and it follows him around. So, it was really nice to be able to get into those moments, so that explains and informs the way I’ve been performing through “Twilight” and “New Moon.”

MTV: There is so much “Twilight” merch out there now. Do you own any in real life?

Rathbone: Any “Twilight” merchandise in real life? I’ve not [purchased any]. However, my bandmate Ben Graupner bought a Jasper pillowcase with my face on it. I had to ritualistically burn it, because it was scaring me.

Via Jackson Rathbone Online

- Lorabell

The Twi-Cast Trick or Treats

Via Jackson Rathbone Online

- Lorabell

BooBoo Flips Mini-Taylor Style

Kinda love this kid ;)

Via JustJaredJnr

- Lorabell

Another NM Birthday Still...

Click for bigger

- Lorabell

New Moon Vitamin Water Commercial - Seriously!

I'll get back to you with a comment ;)

- Lorabell

New/Old K&CamStew Pics

Click for biggish

Twi-fulfilling prophecy?!

Kristen and her brother Cameron for Italian Vogue - such crazy family resemblance!

Via TwiFans

- Lorabell